To the editor:The current
aggregate political mood of our society is one of disunity and
division. We are polarized, and in that state, it is very difficult
to find common ground where peaceful coexistence resides. It is
visibly present on the national stage, as well as our County Board
Rooms, School Boards, and City Council meetings. Despite this
polarization, even at a local level, I believe that the Logan Mason
Public Transportation (LMPT) program has been a shining example over
the last three years of how “something better” is born from
seemingly irreconcilable differences.

In the last year, through growing pains, CAPCIL managed to produce a
Public Transportation program that looked like a blooming success
story. Ridership for both on-demand services and flex route services
were on the rise. Supporters, like Healthy Communities Partnership,
started to embrace the potential of collaboration by utilizing bus
advertisements and sponsoring free rides to the Farmer’s Market.
Demographically, service was being provided to a wider span of
individuals with more diverse needs. LMPT grew into a workforce
tool, an education tool, a medical services tool, and a recreation
and socialization tool. Both community and customer had a greater
awareness of the LMPT program and realized the beneficial impact of
the service on both Logan and Mason Counties. (CAPCIL and LMPT will
have provided nearly twenty thousand rides by the end of this fiscal
year, and will have done everything previously mentioned under
With that growth in services, came a growth in expenses. The LMPT
program operates on a reimbursement grant program, and the long wait
times between spending and reimbursement took its toll. CAPCIL is a
non-profit organization that provides services to thousands of
low-income persons through 10+ programs across 6 counties. CAPCIL
simply could not sustain the cash flow challenges that came with the
expansion of Public Transportation.
CAPCIL brought the cash flow issue to the Logan County Board. Logan
County is the grantee for the LMPT program (CAPCIL is the hired
administrator) and is the responsible party for any financial or
programmatic changes. CAPCIL requested a reimbursement mechanism
from Logan County in order to maintain the current level of service
operation. Logan County considered the request to provide a
mechanism that reimbursed for services rendered in advance of
receiving their grant proceeds, however, Logan County Board returned
a six to six vote -a “no” vote - that resulted in a decision to
reduce services.

It would be a misnomer to say that CAPCIL and the Logan County Board
have had an easy relationship. Throughout the last three years there
have been ups and downs, bumps and bruises, and heated
disagreements. Needless to say, CAPCIL and Logan County were both
surprised when the most recent turn of events resulted in finding
the “soul” of the program.
[to top of second column in this letter] |

Members of the Logan County Board, from different
sides of the vote, came separately to CAPCIL to discuss the
transportation needs of the community.
The discussions were selfless in nature, totally
focused on the community they serve, not focusing at all on their
positions. Mr. Dave Blankenship (a “no vote”) and Dr. David Hepler
(a “yes” vote) came to meet with me, our transportation staff, and
the PCOM to discuss what the community really needed, and how we
could best utilize the limited funds to best serve Logan and Mason
Counties. During our hours long meetings, we reviewed data, talked
about the various competing values at stake, and the importance of
providing a fiscally responsible service for all tax payers, but
specifically those in Logan and Mason Counties. Our meeting
generated 3 options (A, B, and C) which were presented to the
Transportation Committee. It was agreed and voted on that LMPT would
continue its operations under “option C”.
Within the next few weeks, CAPCIL and the County will
jointly reveal the details of “Option C” so that the public is
prepared for the changes that will begin on July 1, 2017. “Option C”
promises to be a lean, cost effective, growth-inspired Public
Transportation Program that ensures a place for Public
Transportation for years to come. The elements of the new service
design will ensure services for seniors, medical appointments, vets,
socialization, Head Start, and the local workforce who most need
access to reliable transportation. The services will ensure riders a
sense of pride, dignity and independence. We at CAPCIL are really
excited about the direction Logan County has set for us as
providers, and take comfort in knowing that all the conflict did not
dismantle this program. The disagreements burnished the Program and
made it something that we can all get behind.

I wish to thank the Logan County Board for the experience, and for
setting an example that more should follow. A genuine effort was
made by all to come up with real solutions that solved real
problems. DiAnne Turner and Brenda Clark are ladies in every sense
of the word. Without their hard work, “Option C” would not have been
possible. CAPCIL Board Chairman, Steve Lobb, and Board Treasurer,
Richard Kaufman were also instrumental in getting to the service
design planning phase. It was such a humbling experience to see this
collective group come together to accomplish something that is good
for the County. Closing the letter, I want to quote one of my
favorites, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed,
citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that
ever has.” Margaret Mead. Thanks to all for exceeding my
expectations, and cheers for what is to come!
Alison Rumler-Gomez
Executive Director
June 10,
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