[June 07, 2017]
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Saturday in Atlanta, the Hickory Lane Campground held the Annual
Nathan Turner Memorial Fishing Derby. The Fishing Derby is hosted by
the Campground free of charge, and the Turner family and the Lincoln
City Police D.A.R.E program sponsor the derby.
The pond was stocked in the days leading up to the event. The sunny
warm humid day drew a number of families out for the leisurely
substance-free family event. Lunch was provided for the fishermen,
fisherwomen, and their families. Prizes were also awarded for
largest and smallest fish in two age categories - ages four to nine
and 10 to 15.
The Derby is held in honor and memory of Nathan Turner, a former
city council man and resident of Lincoln, who was an avid fisherman,
outdoorsman and dedicated young family man. He grew up attending
fishing derbies and passed his love of fishing and the outdoors on
to others. His family wanted to support the fishing derby to keep
his memory alive and spread his love of fishing and the outdoors. He
is survived by his wife, Sarah; his son, Benjamin; his parents Dan &
Nancy; his sisters, Janell and Nanette; and other family members and
friends. The Turner family give their thanks to D.A.R.E, the
sponsors, and the Campground for their continued support.
[Derek Hurley] |