Mammography plays a central part in early
detection of breast cancers because it can show changes in the
breast up to two years before a patient or physician can feel them.
Current guidelines recommend screening mammography every year for
women, beginning at age 40. Research has shown that annual
mammograms lead to early detection of breast cancers, when they are
most curable and breast-conservation therapies are available.
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) adds that women who have had
breast cancer and those who are at increased risk due to a genetic
history of breast cancer should seek
Digital Mammography uses the same technique as film screen
mammography, except the image is recorded directly into a computer.
The new technology provides a clearer and brighter image of the
breast issue. This allows radiologists to detect more abnormalities,
especially in younger women with denser breasts. Images are also
able to be magnified and manipulated on the computer screen for
enhanced views, something that cannot be done with X-ray film.

Mammogram Preparation
Before scheduling a mammogram, the American Cancer Society (ACS) and
other specialty organizations recommend you discuss any new findings
or problems in your breasts with your doctor. In addition, inform
your doctor of any prior surgeries, hormone use, and family or
personal history of breast cancer. Do not schedule your mammogram
for the week before your period if your breasts are usually tender
during this time. The best time for a mammogram is one week
following your period. Always inform your doctor or mammography
technologist if there is any possibility that you are pregnant.
It is also recommended that you:
- Do not wear deodorant, talcum powder or
lotion under your arms or on your breasts on the day of the
exam. These can appear on the mammogram as calcium spots.
- Describe any breast symptoms or problems to
the technologist performing the exam.
- If you have had previous mammograms at
another facility, please obtain them so that the radiologist is
able to use them as comparison to your current exam.
During the Mammogram
Mammography is performed on an outpatient basis. When you get a
mammogram, a specially trained technologist helps place your
breast between two plastic plates. Pressure is applied for a few
seconds to flatten the breast, allowing for a clear image. Two
pictures are taken of each breast and the entire mammography
exam takes approximately 15 minutes. You may find the pressure
uncomfortable, but some women experience no discomfort at all.
Breast compression is necessary in order to:
- Even out the breast thickness so that all
of the tissue can be visualized.
- Spread out the tissue so that small
abnormalities are less likely to be obscured by overlying
breast tissue.
- Allow the use of a lower x-ray dose since
a thinner amount of breast tissue is being imaged.
- Hold the breast still in order to
minimize blurring of the image caused by motion.
- Reduce x-ray scatter to increase
sharpness of picture.

[to top of second column] |

The technologist will stand behind a glass shield
during the x-ray exposure. You will be asked to change positions
between images. The routine views are a top-to-bottom view and an
oblique side view. The process will be repeated for the other
You must hold very still and may be asked to keep
from breathing for a few seconds while the x-ray picture is taken to
reduce the possibility of a blurred image. The technologist will
walk behind a wall to activate the x-ray machine.
When the examination is complete, you will be asked to wait until
the radiologist determines that all the necessary images have been
The examination process should take about 30 minutes.
After the Mammogram
A radiologist, a physician specifically trained to supervise and
interpret radiology examinations, will analyze the images and send a
signed report to your primary care or referring physician, who will
discuss the results with you. If further imaging is needed, you will
be contacted by the ALMH mammography technologist. If it is
determined that a biopsy needs to be performed, Clinical
Radiologists will perform the test and results will be sent to your
primary care or referring physician. At that time, your team will
work with you to determine whether or not a surgery consultation is
needed. ALMH also offers breast biopsy using needle localization.
This procedure uses very thin needles or guide wires in order to
pinpoint the correct area of the breast for biopsy.
It’s helpful to know at a time like this that ALMH is the best place
to come for complete care. ALMH’s affiliation with Memorial Health
System gives you access to Memorial Breast Diagnostic Services,
designated as a Breast Imaging Center of Excellence by the American
College of Radiology – an achievement that has been earned by fewer
than 200 of the 8,800 certified breast imaging centers in the United

Risk Factors
Every woman is at risk for breast cancer, and her risks increase
with age. Three quarters of all breast cancers occur in women over
50. Women over 70 are twice as likely to develop the disease.
Surviving Breast Cancer
Survival depends on the stage of breast cancer at the time of
diagnosis. The survival rate is increased if the cancer has not
spread. Early-stage breast cancer that has not spread to the lymph
nodes has more than a 90 percent five-year survival rate. When the
cancer has spread to the lymph nodes, it decreases to a 60 percent
five-year survival rate. This is why early detection is so
Breast Cancer Prevention
Monthly Breast Self-Exams – Watch for a change in the look or feel
of your breast along with any abnormal lumps.
Clinical Breast Exams – Schedule a yearly appointment with your
medical provider.
Annual Digital Mammograms – Call 217-605-5270 to schedule an
[Copied from the ALMH website with
permission from Angela Stoltzenburg, ALMH] |