The public
is invited to Camp Griesheim's
Annual Meeting to be held on Sunday,
September 15 at 5 p.m. in their main
facility in Atlanta, Illinois.
Refreshments and fellowship will
follow the meeting.
St. John UCC to host Christian Carnival on
St. John UCC to host Christian Carnival on
St. John UCC
to host Christian Carnival on Sunday
St. John UCC to host Christian Carnival on
St. John United
Church of Christ in Lincoln is sponsoring a
Christian Carnival on Sunday from 2:30 to
4:30 p.m. The activities will be on the
church's parking lot, at the corner of
Eighth and Maple streets.
public is invited. All ages are welcome to
join in the games, snacks, songs, stories
and more fun -- and win prizes, too -- all
for free.
For answers to questions about the event,
call the church office, 732-6957.
The carnival is sponsored by the St. John
Christian Education Ministry.
[Text from
file received]
- See more at:
Saturday Meal
Logan County Love
Open to everyone
Logan County Love will once again provide a free
meal to anyone wishing to join. If you are
interested, please stop by and introduce
yourself as the group would love to see everyone
in the community. Come hungry and leave
fulfilled. For this month, the meal will include
chicken and noodles. If you are unable to drive
but would like a meal, call the church,
217-732-6957, between 5 and 6 pm.
St. John UCC, corner of
Seventh and Maple
5-6:30 pm - See more at:
3rd Saturday
Logan County Love
Open to everyone
Logan County Love will once again provide a free
meal to anyone wishing to join. If you are
interested, please stop by and introduce
yourself as the group would love to see everyone
in the community. Come hungry and leave
fulfilled. For this month, the meal will include
chicken and noodles. If you are unable to drive
but would like a meal, call the church,
217-732-6957, between 5 and 6 pm.
St. John UCC, corner of
Seventh and Maple
5-6:30 pm
- See more at:
Presbyterian Calendar for October
October 2017 Vertical Edge—
for God
A good work ethic! It’s something employers look for
in a good employee. Certainly as adults we would want others to say
we work hard. And conversely, we would not
want others to say that we sure don’t do much toward our job. The
same is true of the job we take on as disciple makers when we become
a Christian. We should want others to know that we take the command
Jesus gave us to “go and make disciples” seriously enough to work
diligently. I’m reminded of something I once read that said, “all
God work is good work, but it is still work.” The series our kids
will be in during our Kids Worship time in October will focus on
working for God. Our key verse is Colossians 3:23; “Work willingly
at whatever you do.” Through this series our goal is to help kids
learn the privilege and joy of serving our Lord well. Parents, if
you would like to review what we study with your kids, the titles
and texts are below, and the main point is listed in italics.
•Nehemiah Rebuilds the Wall. Nehemiah 2:11–20.
We honor God with our work.
•Joseph Becomes a Ruler of Egypt. Genesis 41; 37-57; 45:3–8.
We work where God puts us.
•The Parable of the Three Servants. Matthew 25:14–20.
We use our talents for God.
•Paul Presses On to the Goal. Acts 16:16–34; Philippians 3:12–21.
Our goal is to be like Jesus.
