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Garage Sales
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Garage Sales
LARGE Garage Sale
1831 Innsbrook Ave (Legends Subdivision)
Friday, Sept. 8
Saturday, Sept. 9
Lots of tools, paint sprayers, tool box, desk,
vintage Regulator clocks, air compressor, air tools, kitchen
items, craft supplies, lots of misc.
Yard Sale
120 Tenth St.
Friday Sept. 8th
Saturday, Sept.
Step2 Big Splash Center Pool with Slide, Bob Holloway
Prints, 2 Child’s Vintage Sewing Machines, Air Conditioners-
free, Wooden Table & 4 Chairs, Black Sewing Rocker, Granite
Top Picnic Table, Formica Shelves 5 ft. wooden shelf
,Vintage mint green metal desk, Formica Table, 2 Dressers,
Double Metal Bed, Single Metal Bed, Toddler Metal Bed,
Random chairs, Metal bed frame on wheels, Maple Child’s
Table and 4 Chairs, Wooden Desk, Vintage Single School Desk
with flip top, Antique School Desk with Writing Table,
Child’s Wooden Chair, 8 Antique Dining Room Chairs. Plus
anything else we drag out!
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Large Moving Sale
500 Williamette Ave.
Fri 5-8 & Sat 7-2.
Tools, cherry picker, air compressor, lots of garage stuff,
Halloween & Christmas decor, knick knacks, vintage pool
table, power wheels, bicycles, deep freezer, popcorn
machine, lots of misc.
Everything is priced to sell
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We’re at it again. Large family garage sale.
100 Allison Dr. in Lincoln
Friday & Saturday 9am to ?
Microwave, new trampoline enclosed, furniture, yard
furniture, children’s clothing, daybed, seasonal décor and
numerous other items. Come and see.
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Garage Sales
251 & 310 Tenth St., Lincoln, IL
Friday, Sept. 8
3:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 9
8 a.m. – Noon
Snow blower/tiller, pack and play, housewares, kids clothes,
toddler items,
canning jars, lawn sweeper, tiller, lawn cart, kerosene heater,
paper shredder seasonal, snow shovels, old glass bottles,
glassware, office furniture & supplies, sink cabinet with sink & faucet,
Halloween and Christmas items,
new 9ft
Xmas Tree,
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Moving/Estate Sale
1124 Clinton St., Lincoln IL
Saturday Sept. 9, 2017
8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Antique furniture, vintage kitchenware, lawn & garden tools,
linen, silver, rugs, art prints, crocks & much more!
Terms of Sale-CASH ONLY!!
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