Hidden in Plain Sight awareness program for Adults
Interactive program will alert parents to potential substance abuse - September 16th

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[September 12, 2017]  Since February 2016, the ALMH Community Health Collaborative, previously known as Healthy Communities Partnership, has been working with members across the community to address the opioid crisis. A resulting action plan was developed containing activities to address prevention, harm reduction, enforcement and treatment.

A variety of prevention strategies have been underway for the past year including a parent influence campaign, “Parents Matter”, to impress upon parents how their conversations and expectations are effective ways to prevent substance use and abuse. In April 2017, the group provided a free public viewing of the documentary “Chasing the Dragon” which was shown to around 65 individuals including parents and their children.

This month, the group continues its prevention efforts with an interactive display entitled, “Hidden In Plain Sight”. Adults aged 18 and over are encouraged to attend the event at The ALMH Market on Saturday, September 16. The ALMH Market is located at the Logan County Fairgrounds in Lincoln.

Participants will visit an on-site mock teenage bedroom and identify signs of substance abuse anytime between 10am-10:30am or 10:45am-11:15am. After they walk through the room they are asked to return to the display for a brief presentation at 10:30 or 11:15am. Once participants complete the experience, they will earn $5 in tokens that can be spent at The ALMH Market.

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The traveling exhibit is coordinated by Community Partners Against Substance Abuse from Bureau and Putnam Counties and sponsored by the ALMH Community Health Collaborative.

September is National Recovery Month promoted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration to increase awareness of mental and substance use disorders and celebrate the people who recover. To get involved in the opioid task force or to learn more about local efforts to prevent substance abuse, please contact ALMH Community Health Collaborative Director Angela Stoltzenburg at 217-605-5008.

[Angela Stoltzenburg, MBA
Community Health Collaborative, Director
Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital]


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