Lincoln College freshmen begin week of campus service with 9/11 Memorial

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[September 13, 2017]     Send a link to a friend  Share

A special 9/11 Memorial Service on Monday kicked off a week of campus service for freshman students at Lincoln College. The 9/11 Memorial Service featured a choir performance and brief remarks from student officers, President Makayla Suelter of Peoria and Vice-President Aschli Minervini of Chicago, as well as President David Gerlach and History and Political Science Professor Ron Keller.

During the week, freshman students will be performing a variety of service projects around campus, including grounds beautification, recycling, painting and cleaning and disinfecting some common interior areas.

Pictures and text by  Mark Gordon, Lincoln College

Student body President Makayla Suelter addresses her fellow students at the 9/11 Memorial Service on the Lincoln College campus Monday.


Student body Vice-President Aschli Minervini speaks at the 9/11 Memorial Service on the Lincoln College campus Monday, Sept. 11.


Lincoln College President David Gerlach addresses students at the campus 9/11 Memorial Service.

Students listen to speakers as the 9/11 Memorial Service at Lincoln College.



Choir members perform at the 9/11 Memorial Service at Lincoln College


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