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To the editor:On behalf of
the Logan County Joint Solid Waste Agency, I would like to thank the
City of Lincoln for their partnership in sponsoring the recent TV
and Computer Monitor Recycling Collection. It was a huge success
evidenced by the large turnout.
Thanks are sent to Walt Landers, Lincoln Street/Alley Department
Superintendent, and his crew, Russell Wright and Joe Davis; Mayor
Seth Goodman and Lincoln City Council members, Tracy Welch, Ron
Keller and Rick Hoefle; Building and Safety Officer, Wes Woodhall;
Logan County Board members, Gene Rohlfs and Scott Schaffenacker,
also a LCJSWA Board member; Habitat for Humanity volunteers, Bob
Chamberlain and David Wilmert, former Lincoln City Council/LCJSWA
Board member; Jim Struebing, LCJSWA Board Chairman; Wanda Rohlfs,
former Lincoln City Council member, Sara Erlandson and Ron Rohlfs,
who all volunteered their time and labor to the collection.

Additionally, thanks are sent to the Lincoln Wal-Mart Supercenter,
Lincoln IGA and Walgreens for providing refreshments for the
volunteer workers. The Logan County Fair Association has partnered
with the Agency for over a decade allowing use of the fairgrounds
for these large collections. Illinois American Water volunteered to
cover the cost of one of the trailers for the collection; the City
of Lincoln and the Building and Grounds Committee of the Logan
County Board covered the cost of the two remaining trailers.
[to top of second column in this letter] |

The collection began nearly an hour early to
accommodate the large turnout. Over three hundred (325) Logan County
household participated in the collection. Two hundred fifty of the
household were from Lincoln with the remaining households coming
from nearly every city, town and village in the county.
Approximately 900 pieces of electronics were collected with the
majority being projection, console or larger table-top TV models.
All the electronics collected were sent to Advanced
Technology Recycling (ATR) in Pontiac for processing. ATR is a
regional electronics recycler providing environmentally sound
recycling services to individuals, businesses, schools and units of
government. ATR reports that the electronic materials collected
weighed in at 36,799 pounds and the percentage of material expected
to be recycled is 90% per load from a residential consumer
Logan County residents expressed the desire/need to dispose of TVs
and computer monitors and the recycling collection was the direct
response of local government, area businesses and civic
organizations to meet this need. Plans to hold future collections
are in discussion; “Like” the Logan County Joint Solid Waste
Agency’s Facebook page for the most up-to-date and current
information on county recycling opportunities.
Mitzi Rohlfs, Coordinator
Logan County Joint Solid Waste Agency [Posted
August 21,
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