There are some skills in life that everyone seems to
just know. But, at what point did they learn how to do that? 4-H
would like to teach you about the game of life by introducing
survival hacks, starting with how to be savvy about your car to
skills for getting your first job to cooking made simple taught by a
professional chef!
Eighth through 12th-graders it’s time to engage with professionals
from the world of aviation mechanics, martial arts, culinary arts
and nursing. Join 4-H on April 21, 2018 from 10:00 – 3:00pm at the
Sangamon County Extension Office at 700 S. Airport Drive,

[to top of second column] |

Cost for program is $10 and lunch will be provided. Find out more
information and register online at
https://web.extension. and look in the register online section or by calling
the Sangamon County Extension Office at 217-782-4617.
About 4-H: Illinois 4-H empowers and prepares Illinois youth for success.
University of Illinois Extension provides 4-H programs in every county in
Illinois. Illinois 4-H impacts the lives of 200,000 youth each year through
sustained learning clubs and groups and short-term programming.
[Carissa Akpore
Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development
University of Illinois Extension – Logan, Menard, Sangamon Counties] |