Illinois is at a crossroads. The state’s credit rating is just
one notch above junk status. And if spending levels remain constant, the
upcoming budget will have an estimated structural deficit of over $2 billion,
according to the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget, or GOMB.
With the current state budget set to expire this summer, the question comes to
mind: Will Illinois lawmakers pass a budget this year?
No one can predict with certainty what politicians will do. The rules that
govern the Illinois House of Representatives give House Speaker Mike Madigan,
the longest-serving state legislative leader in U.S. history, almost complete
control over the legislative process in the House.
However, there are a limited set of likely options facing the General Assembly
as members work on passing a budget before the end of the spring legislative
session on May 31. Lawmakers might pick from any of the following:
Pass an unbalanced and unconstitutional budget, which Gov. Bruce Rauner will
almost certainly veto
Fail to send a budget to the governor for his signature
Pass a six-month “stopgap” budget that kicks the can down the road on tough
decisions until after the 2018 general election
For the first time in nearly two decades, negotiate in good faith to pass a
fiscally responsible full-year budget that taxpayers can afford
Unfortunately, history shows that Illinois politicians tend to avoid making
tough choices that could be controversial heading into an election year.
 A history of kicking the can during election years
In spring 2014, lawmakers were facing a situation similar to what they face
today. Former Gov. Pat Quinn was up for re-election, facing off against Rauner
in the fall. The bill backlog then was about $7 billion. Today it stands at $8.5
billion, according to the Illinois Comptroller.
From the time Quinn took office in 2009 until the start of the 2015 fiscal year,
Illinois experienced 13 credit downgrades from ratings agencies and had the
lowest credit rating in the nation. Illinois bonds have been downgraded even
further since then and are now just one notch above noninvestment-grade, or
“junk,” status. According to Moody’s Investors Service, the pension debt has
grown to $250 billion from about $200 billion in 2013-2014.
Given the similarities between the situation facing lawmakers in spring 2018 and
spring 2014, it’s worth looking at what steps lawmakers took to address
Illinois’ financial troubles then.
Unfortunately, those steps weren’t pretty.
In 2014, lawmakers passed a full-year budget that relied on tax revenues from
their 2011 temporary income tax hike. This was despite the fact that they knew
the tax hike would expire in January 2015, halfway through the fiscal year. This
irresponsible planning, along with intentionally underfunding some agencies, led
the Chicago Tribune to claim Quinn and state lawmakers had “booby-trapped”
Essentially, lawmakers made promises they knew they couldn’t keep. This would be
equivalent to a homeowner taking on a mortgage for a new home knowing that his
employer is about to cut his salary to the point where he can’t afford it.
 When Rauner was sworn into office in January 2015, he immediately had to grapple
with a $1.6 billion budget hole left by the General Assembly’s irresponsible
full-year-spending, half-year-funding plan.
So why didn’t lawmakers cut spending to match incoming revenue or make the
income tax hike permanent? Many have speculated that lawmakers wanted to push
off the tough choices until after the 2014 election, which Quinn expected to
win. Quinn had agencies keep spending money they didn’t have despite knowing the
problems it would create. Lawmakers played along. Both spending cuts and tax
increases are politically risky moves heading into an election.
This history of kicking the can in election years has some anticipating that the
Democrat-controlled General Assembly might pass a six-month “stopgap” budget to
put off the hard choices once again. In fact, that’s exactly what lawmakers did
during the 2016 campaign season. A stopgap budget isn’t truly a budget at all and would contribute to the
“persistent crisis-like budget environment” that Standard & Poor’s cited in its
recent negative credit rating on Illinois bonds.
An unnecessary crisis made problems worse
[to top of second column] |

Illinois’ budget problems are at least as bad today
as they were in 2014. From spring of 2015 until the summer of 2017,
lawmakers and the governor failed to agree on a full-year budget.
While the governor vetoed the fiscal year 2016 budget for
unconstitutionally being over $4 billion out of balance, the General
Assembly never even sent a budget to his desk for fiscal year 2017
by the end of session deadline.
Just after the budget impasse, Illinois’ bill backlog grew to a
record-setting $16.4 billion.
The impasse was finally resolved when the General Assembly passed
the largest permanent income tax hike in Illinois history, over $5
billion in new taxes, over the governor’s veto. Despite this massive
tax increase, the fiscal year 2018 spending plan was immediately
$1.7 billion out of balance. The unpaid bill backlog was cut in
half, but not eliminated, only by taking on an additional $6 billion
in bond debt – not through structural spending reform.
Illinois residents can’t afford another tax hike
Illinois taxpayers already shoulder one of the highest state and
local tax burdens in the country. Combined with a sluggish economy,
taxes could be driving the outmigration crisis in Illinois. In fact,
survey data show taxes are the No. 1 reason cited for Illinoisans
wanting to leave the state.
Moreover, the massive tax hike in 2017 did not solve any of
Illinois’ structural budget problems. According to reporting by the
State Journal-Register, the Illinois Department of Corrections needs
$420 million more for fiscal year 2018 just to make it through the
end of the budget year. That $420 million is part of a total of $1.1
billion in “supplemental appropriations,” or additional current year
spending authority, the governor’s office has requested.
Thankfully, taxpayers scored a victory this legislative session when
a resolution sponsored by all but one Republican House member
effectively killed the chances of a graduated, or progressive,
income tax amendment. Progressive taxes are often sold as a way to
make the rich pay their “fair share,” but are truly Trojan horses
for middle class tax hikes.
The way forward
While history shows a disturbing pattern of lawmakers shirking
responsibility for the budget in an election year, that does not
have to be the case for the fiscal year 2019 budget. Elected
officials can choose not to follow the reckless and shortsighted
practices of the past and to honor their responsibility to their

Democratic candidate for governor J.B. Pritzker has said he wants a
full year budget, according to the Chicago Tribune. Rauner also has
asked for a full year budget, calling it a top priority. That means
regardless of who wins the 2018 gubernatorial election in Illinois,
lawmakers should pass a responsible full year budget now. Anything
less will be a betrayal of their constituents’ trust and send
Illinois further into a financial death spiral, meaning debt will
grow while bond ratings fall and the tax base shrinks, making the
debt progressively harder to pay off.
Thankfully, the four legislative leaders and the governor have at
least agreed to pass a revenue estimate this year. The General
Assembly has not passed a revenue estimate since 2013. In other
words, lawmakers have been passing spending plans without agreeing
beforehand how much they have to spend.
Still, passing a revenue estimate is no guarantee that budget
planning will be accurate or stable. Two agencies are charged with
projecting revenue for the coming budget year. A legislative
estimate comes from the Commission on Government Forecasting and
Accountability, or COGFA. An executive estimate comes from GOMB.
The General Assembly relies on the COGFA and GOMB estimates when
they adopt their own revenue estimate as part of the state budget.
But under generally accepted standards, COGFA estimates have been
accurate in only four of the last 10 years and GOMB estimates have
been accurate in only two of the last 10.
The solutions to Illinois’ budget woes are clear.
First, lawmakers should pass a constitutional spending cap to
protect taxpayers and add stability to the budget process. A
spending cap would give lawmakers a reliable “magic number” in place
of unreliable revenue estimates. Proposed spending cap amendments
are currently enjoying bipartisan support in the House and Senate.
Next, Illinois needs to address the cost-drivers of our
out-of-control spending. That means tackling meaningful pension
reform, rightsizing state employee benefits and making other
structural changes.
Taxpayers should demand their lawmakers do the right thing. Members
of the General Assembly should buck the trend of placing personal
campaign motives above the future of Illinois and adopt a fiscally
responsible full year budget now.
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