Where do we come from? This question
has been fiercely debated and most recently in the
church. The great Sir Isaac Newton had a friend who,
himself, was a scientist. Newton was a Christian.
However, his friend was not. He didn't even believe
that there was a God! Newton had spoken to his
friend many times about a God who made everything.
Each time, though, his friend would shake his head
and reject any notion of a creator God of the
Newton had finished a design of a scale model of our
solar system. A very skilled craftsman then built it
from Newton's plans. In the center was a large ball
made of brass which represented the sun. Revolving
around this sun were smaller balls
attached to spokes of different lengths. The balls
represented the planets; Mercury, Venus, Earth,
Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, were in
their proper order. (Newton was unaware of Pluto
back then.) These balls were all geared together so
that when a crank on the front was turned, they all
moved in their orbits around the sun. It was an
ingenious design.
One day Newton was in his study when his friend came
to visit him. His friend saw the model and instantly
recognized what it was. As he slowly cranked the
model he studied it closely. He said to Newton,
“This is tremendous! Who made it?” “Nobody,” Newton
answered without looking up from a book he was
His friend turned to him with a confused look and
said, "You must not have heard me. I asked, ‘Who
made this wonderful model?’’’
Looking up, Newton said with a perfectly straight
face, “Nobody made it. Those balls and gears just
appeared and put themselves together!”
As his friend’s face turned from confusion to
suddenly getting Newton’s point, a small smile came
across his face. Newton set his book aside and
explained to his friend, “This model is just a poor
imitation of the real, amazing, magnificent,
wonderful universe we both know. You’re convinced my
model had a maker but this toy doesn’t even come
close to how miraculous our real universe is. And
yet you believe it just happened. Now tell me, is
that the logical conclusion of a scientist?”

I had spent the morning cleaning the
car. I even made sure to Windex the glass. It was
spotless and looked and smelled like a new ride.
Then my twin 10 year olds jumped in. Just a few
miles down the road and I looked back to see my son
Mark licking the windows.
If you look around the car of a young
parent you will find many finger prints—
everywhere. It’s always easy to know someone has
been there.
The same is true of this world . . . God’s finger
prints are everywhere. Romans 1:20–
22 reads: ”For since the creation of the world God’s
invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine
nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from
what has been made, so that people are without
excuse. For although they knew God, they neither
glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but
their thinking became futile and their foolish
hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be
wise, they became fools.”
The Scriptures begin clearly, “In the beginning, God
created.” Those five words have
caused a lot of debate and problems for some. It has
caused a lot of people to struggle. The word simply,
straightforwardly, and powerfully declares that the
world did not create itself. Not by chance but by
God! Do you believe this? Maybe it’s time
to Meet your Maker.
[Ron Otto, Preaching
Minister at Lincoln Christian Church] |