The OSLAD program is a state-financed grant
program that provides funding assistance to local government
agencies for acquisition and/or development of land for public
outdoor recreation areas. OSLAD is a matching program that
provides an advance payment (for development projects only) that
is 50 percent of the grant award amount shortly after the grant
agreement is executed. The local agency must demonstrate and
possess the ability to finance the remaining costs of an
approved project prior to receipt of remaining grant funds. This
program is funded through a percentage of the state’s Real
Estate Transfer Tax
The LWCF is a program that utilizes federal dollars to acquire
land to be used for outdoor recreation. This program provides up
to 50 percent of the certified market value of property acquired
to be developed into outdoor recreation areas. No advance
payment is allowed on acquisition projects. LWCF is funded
nationally by revenue from offshore oil and gas leases.
Both programs are managed in Illinois by the Department of
Natural Resources with concurrent application due dates, equal
grant maximums and similar general rules.
The application period opens August 1 and applications must be
submitted to the IDNR by 5:00 p.m. on October 1, 2018. The
Notice of Funding Opportunity can be found beginning August 1 at sites/gata/Pages/default.aspx.
Consult the IDNR website at for more
information, or call the IDNR Grants main line at (217)