House Bill 5752 creates the Broadband Advisory
Council to explore ways to expand broadband access, often called
high-speed internet, throughout the state, including in unserved and
underserved areas.
“This is the continuation of our initiative to ensure our senior
citizens have better access to affordable high-speed internet so
they may benefit from the resources and support online platforms
offer,” Rauner said.
The bill, initiated by AARP, provides specifics on the council’s
membership, powers and duties. The council will be administered by
the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO).
Just under 4-in-10 people aged 65 and older have high-speed internet
access in their homes, compared to 77 percent of the 30- to
49-year-old demographic, according to AARP Illinois’ most recent

“We applaud Gov. Rauner for signing this important, bipartisan
legislation into law,” said Ryan Gruenenfelder, director of Advocacy
& Outreach at AARP Illinois. “It’s time to ensure every Illinoisan
has access to broadband. By signing this legislation, you are moving
our state toward the widespread adoption of technology to help all
Illinoisans live healthier, longer and happier lives.”
Many seniors need broadband access to benefit from web-based
technologies that support aging in place, such as telehealth and
“smart home” systems. Other uses include self-management of chronic
diseases that can help prevent or postpone functional decline, such
as home-based smart medical services.
“Today’s signing is a positive step forward for those rural
communities in Illinois that have had limited internet connectivity,
they’ve been underserved and held back,” said Senator Jil Tracy
(R-Quincy). “In today’s world this is a basic utility. I’m grateful
we’re broadening our horizons and recognizing that everyone needs
reliable access to this vital tool.”
Additionally, the ability to work part-time from home online could
be particularly valuable to older adults facing growing demands to
manage complex health, retirement and care arrangements.

[to top of second
column] |
 “It’s imperative that we
eliminate barriers to broadband access and provide fair and
equitable access to 21st-century technology,” said Jean Bohnhoff,
director of the Illinois Department on Aging (IDOA). “I’m encouraged
that the Department on Aging will have a voice on the Broadband
Advisory Council. We look forward to working toward solutions that
keep our seniors and those in unserved areas connected to the
worldwide web.”
The bill was supported by AARP of
Illinois, AT&T, Illinois Farm Bureau, Illinois Municipal League,
Illinois Telecommunications Association, IDOA and DCEO.
House Bill 4424 eases the renewal requirements for Illinois
identification cards for Illinois seniors. It provides that
identification cards issued to Illinoisans over 65 are permanent and
do not need to be renewed. ID cards issued to those 65 and older
will continue to be free of charge.
“We want to make life easier for our seniors, and this bill will
save them the time and hassle it takes to go down to the DMV and get
a new ID card,” Rauner said. “It will also relieve some of the
burden of the Secretary of State, saving taxpayer resources.”
The bill also provides that Illinois Person with a Disability ID
cards will expire after 10 years.

The initiative was supported by the Secretary of State and the AARP.
These bills are a part of the administration’s initiatives to
improve the quality of life for Illinois seniors. These include a
bipartisan budget that will ensure the state avoids long payment
delays to senior service providers.
The budget included funding to help prevent the abuse, exploitation
and neglect of seniors and promote their care, including $980
million for the IDOA’s budget, an additional $1 million in funding
for Area Agencies on Aging and full funding for programs such as
Meals on Wheels.
[Office of the Governor Bruce Rauner] |