Obernagel will join previously appointed State Committee
Chairperson Jim Reed of DeLand and Committee members Melanie
DeSutter of Woodhull ; Troy Uphoff of Findlay, who are
responsible for the oversight of farm programs and county
committee operations, resolving appeals from the agriculture
community, and helping to keep producers informed about FSA
Obernagel is the owner of his family farm and is very familiar
with the agriculture industry and USDA programs. He earned is
Bachelors Degree from McKendree University in Lebanon, Illinois.
For over 25 years Obernagel worked for community banks holding
such positions as Vice President; Trust Officer; and Farm

USDA Approves Modifications to Margin Protection Plan of
Crop Insurance Program Expands
Options for America’s Farmers
The U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Risk Management
Agency (RMA) announced greater crop insurance options for
farmers against unexpected decreases in their operating margin.
Offered through the federal crop insurance program, margin
protection insurance for corn, wheat, rice and soybeans will be
available in more states and have updates designed to better
clarify the real input costs covered beginning in 2018.
The RMA is expanding margin protection for corn and soybeans to
Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri,
Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. The
RMA also reevaluated how the liabilities and deductibles were
identified and has increased the maximum coverage level
available to 95 percent. In addition, the program was updated to
add a harvest price option for all margin protection crops,
which will allow farmers to get the greater of the projected
price or the harvest price to further result in a more effective
safety net for farmers.
[to top of second column] |

Margin protection insurance is a privately-developed
product and first became available in 2016 to provide coverage based
on an expected margin, which is the expected area revenue minus the
expected area operating costs, for each applicable crop, type and
practice. Margin protection is area-based coverage and may not
necessarily reflect individual experience. The margin protection
plan can be purchased by itself, or in conjunction with a Yield
Protection or Revenue Protection policy.
A producer may choose coverage from 70 percent to 95 percent of
their expected margin. A higher level of coverage will have a higher
premium rate. The last day to purchase a margin protection policy
for corn, soybeans, and spring wheat is Sept. 30, 2017. The last day
to purchase margin protection for rice is the same as the sales
closing date for the underlying rice insurance policy, which varies
by county. Maps of eligible counties and other resources can be
found on the margin protection webpage .
Crop insurance is sold and delivered solely through private crop
insurance agents. A list of crop insurance agents is available at
all USDA Service Centers and online at the RMA Agent Locator.
Learn more about crop insurance and the modern farm safety net at
www.rma. usda.gov

Please contact your local FSA Office.
USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender. To file
a complaint of discrimination, write: USDA, Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Civil Rights, Office of Adjudication, 1400
Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (866)
632-9992 (Toll-free Customer Service), (800) 877-8339 (Local or
Federal relay), (866) 377-8642 (Relay voice users).
[USDA Farm Service Agency] |