Governor signs ag-boosting
Legalized industrial hemp expands farm
business potential; weight limits for crop haulers eased
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[August 27, 2018]
Governor Bruce Rauner today signed the Industrial Hemp Act, Senate
Bill 2298, adding Illinois to a growing number of states that permit
growth of cannabis cultivated for non-drug uses such as paper- and
fabric-making, biodegradable plastics, construction materials and
health food.
The governor also signed House Bill 5749 today, easing weight-limit
restrictions on state highways during harvest time, improving the
competitive outlook for Illinois farmers and agricultural
commodities haulers. Both measures will enhance one of the state’s
leading industries: farming.
“Legalizing the farming of industrial hemp just makes good sense,”
Rauner said. “Roughly 38 states — including our neighbors in
Wisconsin, Kentucky, Indiana, Missouri and Tennessee — have allowed
or are considering allowing cultivation of this crop for commercial,
research or pilot programs. Our farmers should have this option as
well. This new state licensure program begins that process.”
“The Illinois Farm Bureau appreciates Gov. Rauner signing SB 2298
which legalizes the growing of industrial hemp by Illinois farmers,”
said Richard Guebert Jr., president, Illinois Farm Bureau. “Illinois
Farm Bureau policy, developed by our grassroots members, has long
supported the production, processing, and utilization of industrial
hemp. Illinois farmers will now have new opportunities to diversify
their farms by growing this versatile crop.”
“We are excited that Gov. Rauner is signing into law a bill that
will bring a new sustainable agriculture industry and millions of
dollars in investment and economic growth to Illinois,” added Jen
Walling, executive director of the Illinois Environmental Council.
“Industrial hemp will bring new opportunities to Illinois farmers.
We are very grateful to the elected officials and advocates that
worked so long to pass the right bill for Illinois.”
The Industrial Hemp Act, effective immediately, creates a state
licensure program through the Department of Agriculture that enables
those who desire to grow the crop to do so. The state Department of
Agriculture shall establish rules for THC-level testing of
industrial hemp crops.

“Today, hemp products are sold on store shelves throughout Illinois,
but our farmers are not able to grow hemp in their fields,” said Lt.
Gov. Evelyn Sanguinetti, who chairs the Governor’s Rural Affairs
Council and attended today’s bill signing at the State Fair in Du
Quoin. “Our farmers lead the nation in corn and soybean production.
In signing this bill, Gov. Rauner is providing our framers another
crop for their fields and another opportunity to compete
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“Gov. Rauner knows the importance of agriculture to the Illinois economy and I
truly appreciate his approval of this legislation,” said Rep. Tim Butler,
R-Springfield, chief sponsor of SB 2298 in the House. “The production of
industrial hemp has broad support among our farmers and rural families, as they
know this will add another potentially significant crop that can be grown in our
state. In the early 20th century, Illinois was a national leader in hemp
production and I look forward to us returning to that position.”
HB 5749 allows haulers to seek and obtain annual permits from the Illinois
Department of Transportation and local authorities to exceed gross axle and
gross vehicle weight limits by no more than 10 percent. Permits are to cost $500
with a total combined permit fee of no more than $1,000. State permit fees will
go to the State Construction Account Fund.

“Neighboring states allow higher weight limits during harvest time without the
requirement of having a harvest emergency declared,” Rauner said. “Illinois has
an agriculture workforce that is second to none, and this legislation will help
them to more efficiently get their crops to market.”
Agriculture and trucking industry leaders will welcome the change, legislators
“This legislation was the direct result of feedback from the agricultural and
trucking communities in my district who voiced their growing frustration about
the restrictions placed on axle weights. Under current limitations, our in-state
businesses were being unnecessarily restricted and unable to compete with our
neighboring states,” said Sen. Dale Fowler, R-Harrisburg. “I’m proud to have
been the chief sponsor of this legislation in the Senate, taking significant
steps toward ensuring Illinois’ in-state businesses are competitive and
consistent with the regulations governing businesses in surrounding states.”
“Local grain elevators will receive more business and farmers won’t have to
worry about losing their crops due to the unreasonable hauling limits that were
in place before,” said Rep. Phelps Finnie, D-Elizabethtown, chief sponsor of the
bill in the House. “This initiative was brought to me by farmers who were facing
steep fines just for doing their jobs, and grain elevator operators who were
losing business to our neighboring states that were less restrictive. This law
will even the playing field so Illinois farmers can do their work to feed
America with less government intrusion.”
“Harvest time for farmers is difficult work with long hours, especially when
they are hauling their yields to storage sites,” added Sen. Neil Anderson,
R-Andalusia, who co-sponsored the bill. “Allowing the haul weight to increase
during harvest season will not only make things easier for our farmers, but it
allows Illinois to compete equally with other states that have higher weight
limits on their roadways. Agriculture is the backbone and the No. 1 economic
driver of Illinois’ economy. This added tool can help our farmers be even more
productive, which in turn helps the entire state.”
HB 5749 takes effect in July 2019.