New IRS data show the Land of
Lincoln is bleeding a record number of people to its neighboring states.
While it’s not pretty, it’s the truth. And Springfield refuses to take note.
In tax year 2015 (2015-2016), 21,800 more people “walked out” of Illinois to
each of its neighboring states than walked in from those states. Measured by
exemptions on tax returns, that was Illinois’ highest loss of people to
neighboring states on record.
Wisconsin (with a net gain of 6,000 Illinoisans), Michigan (2,500), Indiana
(8,200), Kentucky (1,100), Missouri (2,000) and Iowa (1,900) all won their
“border wars” with Illinois.
But why?
We know from the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute at Southern Illinois
University that the No. 1 reason Illinoisans cite for wanting to leave the state
is taxes. And economic analysis can shed some light on what might be driving
shorter moves across the state border. Research shows that while longer-distance
moves are driven predominantly by employment, shorter-distance moves are driven
more by housing.
That means Illinois property taxes, which are often so high they can act as a
second mortgage, could really hurt the Land of Lincoln when families are
comparing home prices in their community with a nearby location in another
Of course, those who leave take their incomes with them. The Land of Lincoln
lost more than $720 million in adjusted gross income, or AGI, on net to
neighboring states in 2015-2016, and lost $4.7 billion in AGI to the rest of the
nation as a whole.
An eroding tax base means Illinoisans who remain get squeezed even more for the
surging cost of government.
Cities, villages and school districts across the state are hiking property taxes
to pay for legacy costs that just keep growing.
One canary in the coal mine might be the city of Danville. Just a few miles from
the Indiana border, it’s saddled with more than $100 million in local pension
debt. Local leaders’ hands are tied by state law when bargaining with government
worker unions, so spending reform is difficult, meaning tax hikes are one of the
only levers available to fix holes in the city’s budget.
The result? Danville property owners now pay a dedicated pension fee of up to
$1,020 a year. It can be tough to attract needed investment with a deal like
that, and easy to move a matter of minutes to avoid the cost. The same goes for
plenty of other communities in Illinois.
Just look at the Quad Cities, where the population on the Iowa side of the metro
area (Scott County) grew by more than 4 percent since 2010. Meanwhile, the
Illinois side shrunk, with Rock Island and Henry counties seeing their
populations drop by 1.9 percent and 2.3 percent, respectively.
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To many observers,
Illinois’ loss of people is a damning indictment of its policy
choices. A Midwestern state that’s unfriendly to small businesses
and that passed a massive tax hike in the middle of a recession
recovery in 2011 – all while residents already were paying some of
the nation’s highest property taxes – isn’t worth emulating.
But the crowd selling a progressive income tax hike as the cure-all
for Illinois’ woes has found a new battle cry against any real
reform: “Look, Minnesota!”
Indeed, Minnesota was a rare state in the region to see a small net
gain in people from other states last year, according to the U.S.
Census Bureau. So are people really choosing Minnesota because of a
progressive income tax?
Lyman Stone, a U.S. Department of Agriculture economist and
demographer, poses a more likely explanation:
“Commentators have attributed Minnesota’s [recession] recovery to
its tax policies, revenue-sharing and education, and other factors,”
Stone writes.
“Unfortunately, those theories are probably all wrong. Simply put,
the real reason for Minnesota’s relatively low unemployment rate and
faster recovery is oil.”
Neighboring North Dakota’s oil boom provided opportunities for
thousands of predominantly young, less-educated Minnesotans. Now
that the boom has receded, is it any wonder those workers would be
returning home? Minnesota has only enjoyed an upward tick in
residents from other states in the last two years, according to
census data, just as the oil rush petered out next door.
Also worth considering: IRS data show that over the last five years,
Indiana, Wisconsin, Missouri, Iowa and Michigan all gained more
Illinoisans on net than Minnesota.
Dropping another tax hike on a shrinking Illinois population and
sputtering state economy remains a dangerous game – especially when
the money won’t really go to new or improved services. The entirety
of the $5 billion tax increase state lawmakers passed in the summer,
for example, will be eaten up by pension payments.
Solving Illinois’ people problem requires addressing the high cost
of government, which makes the state far less attractive for people
looking to plant roots.
Anyone who refuses to even pay lip service to that sad reality is
telling fairy tales.
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