Every student will have the opportunity to tap a
sugar maple tree and take home a small bottle of Funks Grove Pure
Maple Sirup. For more information on these programs please see
below. For questions, email
grovenaturecenter.org or phone 309.874.2174
Homeschool Maple Sirup Experience Field Trips
Tuesday, February 20,
Wednesday, February 21,
Tuesday, February 27
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Sugar Grove Nature Center is pleased to continue offering the Funks
Grove Maple Sirup Experience for homeschooling families and invites
you to take part in this unique educational experience. Due to the
seasonality of this topic, there are a limited number of days
available to offer this program. The program will begin promptly at
10:00 a.m. and end at 2:00 p.m. Upon receipt of your registration we
will send confirmation and further details. Participants are
expected to participate in the entire program (10:00 a.m.-2:00
p.m.). If you wish to attend the program on the same day as another
family it is your responsibility to coordinate this effort. Refunds
will only be given if the program is cancelled due to the weather.
It is to your benefit to submit the registration form as soon as
possible. If you have questions, do not hesitate to email
naturecenter.org or call 309.874.2174.
Program fee charged with discount rate for accompanying adults To
register visit

Sirup for Scouts and Youth Groups
Saturday, February 24, 2018
12:30 - 3:30 p.m.
Attention leaders of scout troops and other youth organizations!
Your group is invited to join in on the maple sirup fun at Sugar
Grove Nature Center in Funks Grove! Learn how sap becomes sirup and
take part in the process from tapping to tasting! Registration is on
a first come, first served basis and will be complete only when both
the form and payment have been received. You may register your
entire group on one form or group members may register separately.
Groups registering individually run the risk of having some make it
in while others do not. If registering as a group, a confirmation
will be sent only to the name on this form. It will be the leader’s
responsibility to convey the information to the other participants.
Please remember to dress for the weather, as a major portion of the
program will be outdoors. If you have questions, call 309.874.2174
or email
register@sugar grovenaturecenter.org Fees are
non-refundable unless the program is cancelled.
Program fee charged with discount rate for accompanying adults. To
register visit
www.sugargrovenaturecenter.org [to top of second
column] |

Maple Sirup Public Experience Tours
Saturday, March 3rd, 2018;
9:30 a.m.
12:00 Noon
2:30 p.m.
It’s the time of year when buckets decorate the sugar maples throughout Funks
Grove. Have you ever tasted ‘sweet water’ dripping from a spile? Here’s your
chance! Join us for the Funks Grove Maple Sirup Experience at Sugar Grove Nature
Center on Saturday, March 3rd, 2018.Gather around the fire at the sirup camp to
learn how the Native Americans and early settlers collected and prepared sap.
Visit the sugar shack where the smell of maple sirup hangs in the air. Journey
into the sugarbush to tap a tree. Stop inside the Nature Center to sample a
variety of sweet treats made with maple sirup including candy, cookies, veggies,
fudge, and more!Tours last approximately 2½ hours and begin promptly at 9:30
a.m., Noon, and 2:30 p.m. Tour size is limited and advanced registration is
required. Dress for the weather, as you will be outside for a major portion of
the program.This program is suitable for adults, children, and other interested
Fees for children and adults, with discounts for members - Fees are
non-refundable unless the program is cancelled. To register visit
www.sugargrovenature center.org
Little Tappers Programs
(ages 3 - 5)
Wednesday, February 14th
10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Saturday, February 24, 2018
10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
This program is designed especially for children 3-5 years with an adult
chaperone. You can choose between three different program times. We will sing
songs and make a craft while learning how to make maple sirup and listen to a
fabulous sirup story. Then, each child will get a turn at tree tapping and to
taste the real thing! While the majority of the program will be held indoors, we
will be outside for tree tapping, so please dress for the weather.
Discounts given to members
To register visit
www.sugargrovenature center.org
For a map and directions to the Nature Center as well as updated program
information and registration form, visit us on-line at
www.sugargrovenature center.org.
[Rachael Kramp,
Environmental Support Specialist]