One thing that should concern taxpayers keeping an eye on the
cost of their government is the number of government units that rely on tax
dollars. Draped in nearly 7,000 layers of government, the Land of Lincoln has
more government units than any other state in the nation.
Among those government layers are the state’s 852 school districts – fifth-most
nationwide, as of 2015. Illinois school districts consume two-thirds of the
state’s total property tax revenue. But nearly 25 percent of Illinois’ school
districts serve only one school – and more than one-third serve only 600
students or less. This suggests taxpayers are shouldering the cost of redundant
administrative bodies.
On Illinois’ side of the Quad Cities divide, East Moline offers an example of
where consolidation efforts could increase efficiency and eliminate waste, while
generating taxpayer savings.
District duplication
East Moline oversees three school districts, each with its own administrative
bodies, which collectively administer eight schools in the city, according to
Illinois State Board of Education, or ISBE, data.
 Of East Moline’s three school districts, the student enrollment of just one –
East Moline School District 37 – surpasses the state average. District 37 serves
roughly 2,750 students, according to ISBE, while the average among Illinois
school districts is roughly 2,100 students. And while this example of
above-average enrollment might not appear ripe for consolidation, Illinois’
district enrollment average is actually unusually low. Illinois’ average number
of students per school district is fifth-lowest among states with school
populations exceeding 1 million.
The average school in Virginia serves a similar number of students as the
average school in Illinois. But the average school district in Virginia serves
more than double the students of Illinois’ average school district. While
boasting better performance outcomes, the Old Dominion has only 133 school
districts statewide.
East Moline’s three school districts collectively serve 5,100 students. Were
these school districts to consolidate, the resulting district would contain
slightly more than half the number of students in Virginia’s average school
The potential for taxpayer savings is most apparent in East Moline’s two smaller
school districts: Silvis School District 34 and United Township High School
District 30.
District 34 serves just two schools, which share a mere 660 students, while
District 30 administers only one – East Moline’s sole high school – with a
student body of roughly 1,690. Were these school districts to consolidate, the
resulting school district would be only slightly bigger than Illinois’ low state
Inspiration from Iowa
 Consolidation of school districts, it’s important to note, is not the same as
consolidation of individual schools. East Moline taxpayers need not look as far
as Virginia to see what district consolidation looks like in practice. Across
the Mississippi River, on Iowa’s side of the Quad Cities – consisting of
Davenport and Bettendorf – there are just three school districts. Davenport’s
entire school population is served by just one school district, while
Betterndorf is served by two, one of which is shared by the neighboring town of
First take Davenport’s sole school district, Davenport Community School
District. Serving the city’s entire school population across 26 traditional
schools, as well as preschool programs and two specialized academies, the
district’s total enrollment exceeds 15,200 students – roughly three times that
of East Moline’s three school districts combined. Despite the enrollment
disparity, grade schools in East Moline and Davenport exhibit similar class
sizes, suggesting consolidated school districts need not mean consolidated
Or look at Bettendorf’s largest school district: Bettendorf Community School
District serves 4,607 students, over two-thirds more than that of East Moline’s
largest school district. Yet average grade school class sizes in Bettendorf also
resemble those of East Moline.
[to top of second column] |

Also larger than any East Moline school district is
Pleasant Valley Community School District, Iowa’s smallest school
district in the Quad Cities. With a total enrollment of 4,200
students, the district serves seven schools and a preschool program
between Bettendorf and LeClaire. These schools additionally serve
neighboring towns such as Pleasant Valley, Riverdale and Panorama
But the case for school district consolidation in East Moline can be
found closer still. In Illinois’ remaining Quad Cities, Rock Island
and Moline, both are served by one school district each,
administering 12 and 13 schools, respectively.
Six-figure administrators
Consolidating administrative bodies could save resources and allow
for more funds to be returned to the classroom.
One consequence of district overabundance is the duplication of
costly administrative payrolls. Compensation records show
administrators across all three East Moline school districts earning
between $100,000 and $200,000 annually to perform identical
services. The highest earner is District 30 superintendent Jay
Morrow, whose compensation was roughly $204,250, including benefits,
for the 2017 school year. Factoring in benefits, superintendents at
District 34 and District 37 earned $154,120 and $187,868
respectively for the 2017 school year. District compensation records
show nine administrators – including superintendents, assistant and
associate superintendents, and “general administrators” – across all
three school districts earning upwards of $100,000 in the 2017
school year.
Excessive administrative pay puts upward pressure on property taxes
while crowding the classroom out of school district budgets. And as
administrative costs continue to grow, some districts can become
dependent on tax hikes to deliver basic student services and perform
general maintenance.

Take East Moline’s District 30, which hiked its property tax levy in
December 2015. The following year, Rock Island County introduced a
countywide sales tax increase intended for school facilities through
referendum. Voters approved the sales tax increase in November 2016
after having rejected the measure three times prior.
Meanwhile, between the 2014 school year – the year before the
district’s property tax levy increase – and the 2017 school year,
the district’s administrative staff grew to four employees listed as
“general administrator or general supervisor” earning more than
$100,000 from just one employee with that title earning roughly
$60,000 – despite a slight decline in student enrollment.
A border war ceasefire
While it’s unlikely school district consolidation alone would
suffice to ease East Moline’s punishing property tax burden, it
would nonetheless serve a necessary step toward controlling taxpayer
costs. Comparing Rock Island County’s property tax burden with that
of its cross-border neighbor makes clear Illinoisans’ need for
cost-savings. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the effective
property tax rate on a median value home in Rock Island County was
2.23 percent in 2016, while the rate in Scott County, Iowa – where
Bettendorf and Davenport are located – was 1.61 percent. But that
isn’t the only disparity that Illinois lawmakers should be troubled
Population trends across the Quad Cities tell a disheartening tale
for the Land of Lincoln. While Illinois’ three cities in the region
have continued to downsize since 2010, the Iowa side of the border
has grown. County-level data show these population changes are
driven in large part by migration trends. Natural population growth
– births minus deaths – and international migration gains have
failed to offset the outmigration of residents from Rock Island
County to other areas. Scott County meanwhile has grown across all
three components of population change over that time.
Illinoisans have demonstrated that policymakers can only resist
reform for so long before taxpayer plight turns into taxpayer
flight. And while many reforms will require action from Springfield
– such as pension reform and collective bargaining reform – local
leaders could serve their taxpayers by eliminating waste and
duplication through consolidation.
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