The evening began at 5 p.m. with a flag raising
ceremony. The flagpole, now located near Fifth Street is the same
flagpole used by Jefferson School. It had been taken down during
construction and got a makeover of its own.

Then Wednesday evening, while the American Legion
Color Guard stood at attention and a bugler played, the flag was
raised for the first time by Chief Paul Adams with assistance from
two officers including assistant chief Matt Vlahovich.

Afterward there was an invitation only tour of the building. Those
in attendance for that tour included Lincoln city officials
including the seven sitting aldermen, Mayor Seth Goodman, the city
clerk and treasurer, Lincoln police officers and their families,
former Mayor Marty Neitzel and former Ward 2 Alderwoman Kathy Horn
and their guests, and other valued community leaders.
At 6 p.m. everyone went outside to the front of the building for the
ribbon cutting ceremony. The ceremony was led by the LDN Ribbon Cut
Crew with Nila Smith serving as emcee, and Karen Hargis and Roy
Logan holding the ribbon and assisting in getting the group together
for the photo opportunities.
Smith welcomed everyone and thanked all for coming out and showing
support for the new station. She noted that there is currently a
very popular slogan or mantra that says “If you can dream it, you
can achieve it.” Smith said that the new Lincoln police station was
the epitome of that mantra as so many had shared their vision, their
dream and then had worked so hard to achieve it.
Guests standing behind the ribbon were acknowledged including
representatives from Congressman Darin LaHood’s office - Hal Smith
and Reagan Tibbs. It was noted by Smith that Tibbs is a Logan County
native who also has a big dream of entering into a political career.
At the conclusion of his first year of college Tibbs attained a
position as an intern in the LaHood office, a great first step to
achieving his career goal. It was also noted that Reagan is the
nephew of Chief Paul Adams and wife Kari.

Also in the crowd was State Representative Tim
Butler. Both Smith and Butler spoke briefly, congratulating the city
of a big accomplishment.

Chief Adams was the next to speak. He spoke about how
the work to accomplish this goal had been supported by the city and
he talked about the people who had been involved from former Mayors
Keith Snyder and Marty Neitzel to former City Administrator Clay
Johnson, former Alderwoman Kathy Horn, and former Police Chief Ken

He noted that at the old station, it was not the best environment
for the officers to do their work. He said with this new structure,
the officers have a safe environment and a place with plenty of
space to do their job effectively.
Adams acknowledge the great work done by FMG Architects to transform
a school building into a really well balanced, working police
station. He also spoke about the primary contractor P.J. Hoerr, Inc.
Adams concluded talking about how much he appreciated his team of
officers, and how they had dedicated themselves to this project. He
also voiced deep gratitude to his family, his wife and kids, saying
that this project had involved sacrifice on their part as it had
consumed a lot of his time and had taken away from his family, but
they had supported him, they had stood with him and were today on
hand to celebrate with him.
Mayor Goodman was the next person to speak but he immediately said
he would like to first yield to former Mayor Neitzel and Alderwoman
[to top of second column] |

Neitzel began, saying that much talk had been about
the building itself, but she wanted to acknowledge what the new
station meant to the community. She said that as a long-time
supporter of this community and supporter of economic development,
this new facility sent a message to those who are looking to come
into Lincoln for their business or to make the town their home. She
said that it speaks to the quality of police protection in the city
and would make a positive impression.
Neitzel said, “I am so happy that this was done in my lifetime!”

Horn began by saying that she was just delighted that
the new police station was in the city’s Ward 2. She noted that the
station is now in the center of the city, with easy access to the
entire town via Fifth Street.

Goodman spoke last, saying that he deserved the least
amount of credit for this new facility because as mayor, he came
into office when the project was well underway, and can only say
that he was here to see it finished. He added that what he would do
is say "Thank you!" to Paul Adams and the officers of the
department. He said that he understood the enormous effort these
people had put into this project and that it had taken a tremendous
amount of their time.

After the ribbon cutting, the public was invited
inside for a tour of certain areas of the building. Food was
provided by Flossie and Delzena’s in Lincoln and the large training
room was used as a social area for guests to enjoy their
refreshments and visit.

Inside the front door there are two plaques, one
commemorating the new police station and the other remembering the
former life of the building. As Jefferson School, the building
served the community well and many a child received his or her
elementary education inside those walls.

The plaque is a remembrance that the first
half-century of the life of the building was important and the new
plaque is a testament that the retired school building now has a new
a very valuable purpose in the community.
[Nila Smith]