The 73rd Annual Convention of the
Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML) was held
on Saturday, April 28, at Trinity Lutheran Church,
Bloomington. The convention theme was “Look Up! Look
In! Look Out!”
Approximately 295 delegates, members
and guests participated. The opening Devotion and
Bible study was led by Rev. Mark Peters, Sr.
District Counselor, from Faith Lutheran Church in
Lincoln, IL.
Hosts for the convention were women of the
Bloomington Zone, which included El Paso, Wenona,
Bloomington, Danvers, Minier, Varna and Normal.
The main speaker for the convention was Gary Thies
from Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) Mission
Central in Iowa. His topic was “Not Normal”.
LWML Centrala Illinois District (CID) President,
Sheila Lutz, chaired the business session. The Mite
Box offering goal for 2018-2019 was set at $95,000.
Mite Box funds are used to support mission grants
selected annually from submission to LWML, by vote,
the offerings will be allocated to the following
1) Student Aid for Church Workers
2) Camp Cilca Christian Growth Center
3) Food Banks: Ft. Wayne and St. Louis Seminaries
4) Lutheran Library for the Blind..Audio book
Women attending the convention also brought items
for the Orphan Grain Train and LCMS Disaster Relief.

Area ladies attending were from Faith
Lutheran Church and Zion Lutheran Church in Lincoln,
Zion Lutheran Church in Mount Pulaski, Chestnut Zion
Lutheran Church, and Christ Lutheran Church in
Next year's convention will be held on April 26 &
27th, 2019 in Danville.
JoAnne Marlin, Zion
Lutheran Church, Lincoln |