In order to comply with FSA program eligibility requirements,
all producers are encouraged to visit the Logan County FSA
office to file an accurate crop certification report by July 16,
2018. Failure to report your spring planted crops prior to July
16, 2018 will result in a $46.00 late filing fee. Please do not
wait till the last minute to accomplish this task. Visit the
office immediately. No appointment is necessary!
* Please review your crop shares and planting dates*
2018 ARC/PLC Sign Up Continues
The Logan County FSA office has your contracts ready for
enrollment in the 2018 Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) or Price
Loss Coverage (PLC) programs. The enrollment period officially
began on November 1st and will continue through August 1, 2018.
Since shares and ownership of a farm can change year-to-year,
producers must enroll by signing a contract each program year.
The enrollment process for 2018 is relatively simple! We just
need you to visit the office, notify us of any changes that have
occurred or will be occurring, verify ownership, payment shares
and sign the FSA-861 contracts for 2018.

ALL owners and operators with a crop share interest in base
acres on the farm must sign the annual contracts. Owners who
cash rent the farm to an operator and have a zero share in the
base acres will also need to sign the ARC or PLC contract,
unless they have signed in a previous year and the operation has
not changed in anyway. A signed lease or valid power-of-attorney
may also be used in lieu of collecting an owner’s signature.
FSA Offers Joint Financing Option on Direct Farm Ownership
The USDA Farm Service Agency’s (FSA) Direct Farm Ownership loans
are a resource to help farmers and ranchers become
owner-operators of family farms, improve and expand current
operations, increase agricultural productivity, and assist with
land tenure to save farmland for future generations.
Depending on the applicant’s needs, there are three types of
Direct Farm Ownership Loans: regular, down payment and joint
financing. FSA also offers a Direct Farm Ownership Microloan
option for smaller financial needs up to $50,000.
Joint financing allows FSA to provide more farmers and ranchers
with access to capital. FSA lends up to 50 percent of the total
amount financed. A commercial lender, a State program or the
seller of the property being purchased, provides the balance of
loan funds, with or without an FSA guarantee. The maximum loan
amount for a Joint Financing loan is $300,000 and the repayment
period for the loan is up to 40 years.
[to top of second column] |

To be eligible, the operation must be an eligible farm
enterprise. Farm Ownership loan funds cannot be used to finance
nonfarm enterprises and all applicants must be able to meet
general eligibility requirements. Loan applicants are also
required to have participated in the business operations of a
farm or ranch for at least three years out of the 10 years prior
to the date the application is submitted. The applicant must
show documentation that their participation in the business
operation of the farm or ranch was not solely as a laborer.
For more information about FSA Loan programs, contact your local
FSA office or visit To find your local FSA office, visit
Please contact, John Peters, County Executive Director, at
217-735-5508 ext 2, or for Farm Loans, please
contact Tony Schmillen, Farm Loan Manager, at 217-735-5508 ext
Logan County FSA Office
1650 5th Street
Lincoln, IL, 62656
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Phone: 217-735-5508 ext. 2
County Committee:
Kenton Stoll - Chairman
Dennis Ramlow - Vice Chairman
Tim Southerlan - Member
Dorothy Gleason - Advisor
County Executive Director:
John Peters
Program Technicians:
Ann Curry
Tammy Edwards
Chelsie Peddicord

Farm Loan Manager:
Tony Schmillen
Next County Committee Meeting: TBD due to planting season
Persons with disabilities who require
accommodations to attend or participate in any meeting should
contact John Peters, CED, at 217-735-5508 extension 2 or Federal
Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339, 3 days prior to the scheduled
meeting. USDA is an
equal opportunity provider, employer and lender. To file a complaint
of discrimination, write: USDA, Office of the Assistant Secretary
for Civil Rights, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Ave.,
SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (866) 632-9992 (Toll-free
Customer Service), (800) 877-8339 (Local or Federal relay), (866)
377-8642 (Relay voice users). |