Habitat for Humanity in Missouri will benefit from bike ride along Route 66

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[June 08, 2018]     Send a link to a friend  Share

Pictures by  Curtis Fox

Alison Gaffney (R) and Susanne Mertens of the Mo-Hab bike riders take a break while visiting downtown Lincoln. Check out the bear on Susanne’s bike. The group gives a teddy bear to every child moving into one of their builds.


SWAG van getting ready to head out Tuesday morning in support of the riders.

Early morning chores include checking tire pressure before a long day’s ride.

Stretching always helps before climbing on a bike for a 50-mile ride.


Dean Wilson, Jim Vail and Ray Smith (L to R) are the founding members of the Mo-Hab bike ride fundraiser for the Manchester, Missouri's United Methodist Church. They are still participating in the annual Habitat for Humanity ministry after 21 years.


The riders gather before heading north on Old Route 66 Bike Route. Next stop is Atlanta with the day ending in Bloomington/Normal. Their destination is Pontiac on Wednesday.



Alison leads the group in prayer before they head out for the day wishing them a safe ride and fair winds. They rode on Sunday with winds gusting to 30 MPH. “It was a brutal day,” said Alison.


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