Unfortunately, while most of these property tax revenues go to
Illinois public schools – and Illinois spends more per student than the national
average – the state’s educational outcomes lag the rest of the nation.
Illinoisans are not getting the bang for their buck that other states are
To where can Illinois lawmakers look for solutions?
When looking at tax policy, there is an unsung example of a state that can
provide essential services without overburdening taxpayers: Virginia. Virginia
has adopted policies that have protected residents from high taxation, delivered
higher quality schools and yielded healthier economic growth than Illinois.
Policymakers interested in serious property tax relief should take note.
Illinois and Virginia have a similar demographic makeup, with Illinois enjoying
a larger population than Virginia. But Virginia lawmakers have chosen a far
different approach when it comes to collecting and distributing tax dollars.
Comparison: Taxing and spending
Virginia’s median effective property tax rate was 0.8 percent in 2013, according
to the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy,1 while Illinois residents saw a median
effective property tax rate of 2.3 percent.
Despite technically having a “progressive” income tax, Virginia’s top marginal
income tax rate is 5.75 percent, applying to all those making over $17,000
annually.2 This basically amounts to a “flat” income tax that was 11.9 percent
higher than Illinois’ in 2015, when the effective income tax rate was 2.44
percent in Illinois and 2.73 percent in Virginia.3,4
Despite the slightly higher income tax, Virginians enjoy a much lower total tax
burden. Virginians’ total tax burden amounts to 8.6 percent of their personal
income while Illinoisans see a total tax burden of 11.3 percent, according to
U.S. Census data – more than 30 percent higher than Virginians.5
Adjusted for cost of living, Virginia’s state and local
governments spent $9,066 per person in 2015. Illinois’ state and local
governments spent $11,773 per person.6
In comparing where those dollars flow, it’s useful to look at how Virginia and
Illinois fund their schools.
Virginia spent 20 percent less on K-12 education per student than Illinois in
2015, after adjusting for cost of living. Virginia spent $10,963 per student,
compared with $13,797 per student in Illinois.7
While Illinois relies more on property taxes to fund public schools than
Virginia, as opposed to state funding, this proportion is irrelevant when
comparing overall taxing and spending. Virginians see fewer dollars flow toward
education overall and experience a lower total tax burden – and still see better
educational outcomes than Illinois, as this report will show.
County and municipal governments raise the money for Virginia public schools in
their jurisdiction, rather than the school districts themselves. Virginia does
not suffer from the dizzying overlap of thousands of local taxing bodies that
Illinoisans experience. Rather, county and municipal governments raise a single
levy, which is then distributed to schools and other public services.
Virginia spends more efficiently by having a much more consolidated school
district system, with 130 public school districts compared with Illinois’ more
than 850 public school districts.8 The average public school district in
Virginia serves more than twice the number of students compared with Illinois,
despite average enrollment per school being very similar.
Virginia spends $1,149 less per student on non-instruction costs and $2,834 less
per student in total than Illinois, when adjusted for the cost of living in each
In Illinois, administrators take a larger share of resources away from the
classroom. Just under 9 percent of education spending per student flows to
administrative costs in Illinois. That’s a 20 percent larger share than
Virginia, where just over 7.5 percent flows to administrators.
Despite more modest spending and a lower burden of taxation, Virginia’s public
school system has a higher four-year high school graduation rate and better
prepares its students for college than Illinois’.10
ACT scores in Illinois (the dominant standardized college admission test in the
state) were 1.4 percent below the national average, while SAT scores in Virginia
(the dominant test in that state) were 2.9 percent above the national average.
Virginia’s outcomes show Illinois could reprioritize its spending away from
administrative costs while not sacrificing the quality of education.
Outcomes: The state economy
On economic and demographic measures, Virginia is similar to Illinois in many
Non-farm personal income per worker is nearly identical when adjusted for the
cost of living.11 Virginia also saw slight net outmigration of taxpayers to
other states in 2015, albeit much smaller than that of Illinois, losing 3,155
tax filers (0.04 percent) on net compared with Illinois’ net loss of 25,302 tax
filers (0.2 percent).12
However, there are also many ways in which Virginia is different from Illinois.
From 2000 to 2016, Virginia’s population growth far surpassed that of Illinois,
growing 18.4 percent while Illinois’ population grew by a meager 3 percent.13
Meanwhile, Illinois’ employment fell by 0.04 percent while Virginia’s increased
11.2 percent over the same time.14 Non-farm personal income per worker also grew
18 percent faster in Virginia than in Illinois from 2000 to 2016.15
Also during this time period, home values grew by an average of 4.1 percent
annually in Virginia compared with 1.9 percent annually in Illinois, while the
national average was 3.1 percent.16 Virginia’s median home value was actually
4.4 percent lower than Illinois’ in 2000. But after 15 years of faster
appreciation, the median home value in Virginia is now 32 percent higher than in
While it’s true that the federal government wields great influence over the
Virginia economy – nearly 10 percent of economic activity – federal spending
alone cannot account for all of the disparities between Virginia and Illinois.17
In the private sector, Virginia’s employment, wages and salaries, and output
have all routinely outpaced Illinois’. The private sector in Virginia grew by
3.8 percent annually from 2000 to 2016, while the private sector in Illinois
grew by 3.1 percent annually.18
Federal spending cannot account for all the observed differences between the two
states. Virginia is outperforming Illinois economically. FIXING
ILLINOIS The Virginia model offers a path to significant
property tax relief for Illinois families.
[to top of second column] |
If Illinois governments spent as much as Virginia
in per capita terms, not including any changes to Illinois’ broken
pension system, Illinois state government would have saved an
estimated $6.5 billion in 2015. Local governments in Illinois would
have saved even more: $13.8 billion.
As an example, in DuPage County the effective property tax rate was
2.42 percent in 2015.19 Adopting Virginia’s model would have
resulted in savings estimated at $1.5 billion, which, if fully
passed down to homeowners, would translate to an effective property
tax rate of 0.62 percent at 2015 DuPage County housing prices.
Illinois would have to adopt significant policy reforms to realize
the full benefits of adopting the Virginia model of reduced overall
taxation, more reasonable spending priorities and improved outcomes.
There are five primary hurdles lawmakers will have to jump in order
to realize these savings.
Areas in need of reform
1) The power of government worker unions
The collective bargaining regimes of Illinois and Virginia vary
greatly. Virginia passed legislation in 1993 expressly prohibiting
public sector collective bargaining across the state.20 While
government workers can form unions, those unions do not have power
to negotiate with the state over wages, hours or other conditions of
employment.21 Further, state law explicitly prohibits strikes by
government workers.22 and grants right to work in both the public
and private sectors.23
The opposite is true in Illinois. Under Illinois law, government
workers can organize and form unions for negotiating employment
contracts and other purposes. This includes a variety of state and
local workers, including teachers.
Government worker unions in Illinois can negotiate over just about
anything – from wages to sick days to school start times. What’s
more, there are no limits to the duration of the contracts
negotiated. Contracts can lock taxpayers into paying for wage
increases or benefits for 10 years or more.24 The power government
worker unions wield over taxpayers has burdened communities with
costs they can’t afford, and has contributed to skyrocketing
property tax bills. Illinois can look to surrounding states for
sensible ways to level the playing field between government worker
unions and taxpayers.
2) Prevailing wage laws
Illinois is home to a prevailing wage law that inflates the cost of
public construction projects. Virginia does not have a prevailing
wage law. The presence of a prevailing wage law has pushed up
compensation costs for public construction projects by an average of
37 percent in Illinois. This arbitrary law ensures taxpayer dollars
are not spent as efficiently as possible, reduces construction
employment, and exacerbates the wage gap between union and non-union
construction workers.25
3) Pension costs
Virginia taxpayers contribute nowhere near what Illinois taxpayers
contribute toward local pensions. According to the 2015 Annual
Survey of Public Pensions, Illinois local government pension
contributions were 8.9 percent of local government expenditures,
whereas Virginia local government contributions were just 2.3
percent of expenditures.26 Total state and local pension
contributions were 7 percent of total expenditures in Illinois and 4
percent in Virginia.27
These local government pension payments come largely from property
taxes, and due to barriers in the Illinois Constitution may not be
reduced anytime soon. Illinois will have to discount any savings in
pension costs from adopting the Virginia model. Even so, the
remainder of savings will be significant.
4) Unfunded mandates
Unfunded mandates imposed on local governments by the state
contribute to the rising cost of local government on Illinois
taxpayers. Although difficult to quantify exact costs, state-imposed
unfunded mandates have been estimated to cost Illinois local
governments hundreds of millions of dollars each year.
From 1982 to 2014, Illinois added 266 unfunded mandates to municipal
governments. As the mandates increased, so did expenditures.28 Local
governments cited pensions, the prevailing wage and workers’
compensation costs as the most burdensome, but the state also
imposes mandates on local entities to provide for insurance,
training, education, procurement rules, and collective bargaining
and arbitration. While pensions cannot be touched under current
Illinois jurisprudence, these unfunded mandates should be eliminated
wherever possible.
5) Too many local governments
Illinois’ system of overlapping units of government creates
bureaucratic inefficiencies and waste that Virginia avoids.
Through a much more consolidated system, governments in Virginia
service nearly 8 times as many people as governments in Illinois. If
Illinois were to adopt a consolidated system similar to that of
Virginia, the state would reduce the number of government units from
nearly 7,000 to just under 800.
A path forward
Virginia appears to offer a potential path forward for Illinois.
Illinois should embrace the methods that have created a more
prosperous economy, a more robust labor market and better
educational outcomes for children in Virginia.
If lawmakers made this a priority, Illinois could offer residents a
better life and relief from their egregious tax burdens.
Tackling collective bargaining reform, eliminating the prevailing
wage, freeing local governments from the burden of unfunded mandates
and reducing Illinois’ 7,000 units of overlapping governments would
be direct steps toward making this a reality.
However, there are additional steps that could get Illinois to the
finish line in establishing an effective property tax rate that is
under 1 percent.
It is important to note that any policies that improve home values –
often a family’s largest investment – can also help to reduce the
effective property tax rates. Improvements in education by
prioritizing students over administrators through consolidation
could yield better educational outcomes.
Economists agree that better educational outcomes increase home
values. Fack and Grenet (2010) find that an increase in public
school performance of one standard deviation raises housing prices
by up to 2.4 percent.29 Black (1999) finds that a 5 percent increase
in test scores increases the amount parents are willing to pay for
homes by 2.1 percent.30
If Illinois adopted Virginia’s spending habits along with policies
that can reduce costs and raise home values, the Prairie State could
vastly reduce the property tax burden that Illinois homeowners
currently face.
By pursuing proven reforms, Illinois could be well on its way to
seeing real and lasting property tax relief.
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