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Fake exercise

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[March 20, 2018]  Doc was just getting up to leave the philosophy counter as Herb walked in. Herb was grinning and flexing muscles and had the look of eagles in his eyes. We stared.

“Herb,” said Doc. “You know, you can overdo a good thing.”

“Why Doc … whatever do you mean?”

“I realize that getting more exercise is your resolution for the new year, but a man your age … you need to pace yourself a little, that’s all. Don’t try to get in shape all at once.”

“Why Doc, I’ve never felt better in my life. Hey, you were so right to get me on this exercise kick. I’ve been meaning to thank you. It’s just what I’ve been needing. What would you think about my playing some football in the spring? I mean, it’s just touch football, but I miss the ol’ razz-matazz, you know?”

Doc shook his head sadly and walked out. Herb started laughing and sat down with us and flipped his cup over for his morning eye opener.

“What was that all about, Herb?” Dud asked.

“A little joke I’m playing on Doc, that’s all,” Herb said. “You remember how Doc has been on my case to get more exercise and slim down some? Well, there was only one way to shut him up, so I started running. I bought a sweat suit and started running. I run past his house each morning. Then, about an hour later, I run past his house the other direction, huffing and puffing and looking at my watch.”

“An hour? You run for an hour each morning?”

“Of course not,” Herb said, laughing. “I run past Doc’s house then walk the block to the library. An hour later, I run past Doc’s house and then walk two blocks home.”

We stared at him.

“What?” he said. “You know Doc’s going to worry about me one way or the other. I just thought I’d change it up a bit.”

[to top of second column]

[Text from file received from Slim Randles]

Ol' Jimmy Dollar is Slim Randles' first children's book.  The book is for kids K-3rd grades and is even better when parents read it with children.  Ol' Jimmy Dollar makes for sweet dreams and if you have a dog even better.  Available now on Amazon.


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