First, children love to answer questions. Also,
they love to be first. And, they love to have the right answer.
Many, who have ministered to children between the ages of six to
twelve, will be smiling and nodding at this “seemingly” childish
response. We could have had a story about Moses and Joshua, or the
story of Noah and the ark - maybe the story of Jonah and the great
fish or King David. It didn’t seem to matter what the topic or chief
character was for the day. Like a flash, a room full of children
threw their hands in the air or began jumping to their feet. Before
we could call on an individual to answer, the children in one accord
would shout out “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!”
While smiling and trying to discreetly chuckle without laughing
aloud, I recall directing the conversation and questions in such a
way as to help the children eventually arrive at the correct answer,
i.e. Moses at the burning bush, not Jesus, the king’s name was
David, not Jesus.

Not until recently, now decades later, have I reconsidered the
children and their enthusiastic responses. Has the answer always
been “Jesus?” God has reminded me of scriptures like Romans 15:4,
“For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our
learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures
might have hope.”
Now, the reason we have hope from the things written before is
because the law and the prophets all pointed to Jesus.
Then reading John 5:39,
“Search the scriptures; for in them you think you have
eternal life: and they are they which testify of Me”
Jesus said. |
Again, it’s all about Jesus.
Now look at the account of the two disciples on
the way to Emmaus in the last half of chapter 24 of the Gospel of
Luke. The resurrected Christ joins them in their journey and
discussion of the recent events of His death and burial. Before
their eyes were opened as to who was speaking with them, Luke
records this remarkable statement. “And beginning at Moses and all
the prophets, He expounded unto them in all the scriptures the
things concerning Himself.” - Luke 24:27.
[to top of second column] |

The Psalmist tells us that if we delve to the lowest depths of the
sea or search to the heights of the heavens, He is there!
What we have taken away from those years of children’s church
ministry has now changed our way of thinking about many of life’s
most difficult questions. The children had it right all along. I was
wrong and they were right. What is the answer to our personal
issues, our social ills, violence in the home, at schools, and in
our streets? Where does our hope lie? From Genesis to Revelation and
in all of life, the answer is the same.
One of the world’s greatest contemporary preacher's and evangelist,
the late Billy Graham has ministered to more people than anyone in
all of recorded history. He was asked, “if you had just one message
to preach, what would it be?” You guessed it- Jesus and the cross!
Christ and Him crucified! The Cross of Christ - His death, burial,
and resurrection is the answer! Then, now, and always, the answer is
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
To the real point, He can now be your answer. Prayerfully now repeat
His name, asking Him, who took your place on the cross, to forgive
and cleanse you. Ask Him who has been interceding for you, to come
into your life as both Lord and Savior. As His Spirit bears witness
with your spirit that you are now a child of God, you will join the
children in saying, “The answer is Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!” This will
ensure you enjoy a blessed and happy Resurrection Sunday.
