Illinoisans shoulder some of the heaviest state and local tax
burdens in the country. And increasingly, property taxes are weighing down this
massive load. Between 2008 and 2015, for example, property tax bills grew six
times faster than household incomes.
But homeowners in Chicago’s collar counties get hit especially hard. The highest
median property tax rates in the state can be found in these counties. But no
one has felt the squeeze like Lake County households, whose property tax bills
rank highest in Illinois – and among the highest in the nation.
Property tax bills totaling $1.8 billion were issued to Lake County homeowners
in 2017. Although the Lake County treasurer collects and processes these
property tax bills, most of the revenue doesn’t remain with the county, but is
distributed among multiple other taxing bodies within the county.
A property tax bill for a Lake Forest home in Lake County offers a look at where
these tax dollars go.
For a home in Lake Forest worth $839,000 in 2016, or around the Lake Forest
median, the homeowner’s 2017 tax bill would have been just over $13,600.
(Property tax bills are issued based on the previous year’s value assessments.)
The county collects the payments and then distributes the revenues to the county
and to other local taxing bodies. The biggest recipients of this household’s
property tax payments were Lake Forest School District 67, Lake Forest High
School District 115 and the city of Lake Forest.
Some $1,040, or roughly 7.6 percent, of these property tax
dollars went toward government employees’ pensions. The growing cost of
government-worker pension obligations has played a key role in driving up
property tax bills. In the city of Lake Forest, police and fire pensions have
recently put pressure on local lawmakers due to growing liabilities. According
to a 2017 Illinois Department of Insurance report, as of April 2016, the Lake
Forest fire pension fund has less than 72 cents on hand for every dollar owed in
future benefits. While this fund is healthier than that of some other
municipalities in Illinois, the report shows its funding level is lower now than
it was in 2012, and in every year since then. The Lake Forest police fund has
fared worse, having roughly 54 cents for each dollar owed.
As salaries rise, so too do government workers’ pensions. And Lake County has
some of the most highly compensated public officials in the state. City Manager
Robert Kiely, Illinois’ second-highest earning city manager, is projected to
collect nearly $250,000 in fiscal year 2018. As of 2016, the highest-paid state
governor in the U.S. earns $190,800 in contrast, according to the Council of
State Governments.
But the largest percentage of property tax revenue from this bill went to Lake
Forest school districts. Combined, District 67 and District 115 consumed
approximately 50 percent of this property tax bill. In the 2015-2016 school
year, property tax funds were both school districts’ largest revenue source,
accounting for roughly 87 percent of each district’s total revenues, according
to Illinois State Board of Education data.
[to top of second column] |
District 67 and District 115, along with the city
of Lake Forest, raised property taxes in 2015. Both school districts
increased property tax levies by 0.8 percent, while the city imposed
a 2.93 percent levy hike, according to the Daily North Shore.
A 2015 Illinois Policy Institute study found Lake
County’s property tax burden climbed by more than 44 percent between
2000 and an average of the years 2009-2013.
That one household is subject to taxation by so many separate units
of local government is striking on its own. But when one considers
the number of taxing bodies across Illinois, the state’s notorious
property tax burden is less mysterious. The Land of Lincoln is
tangled in nearly 7,000 units of government – more than any other
state in the country. With so many government units imposing
property taxes – and often hiking levies – Illinois taxpayers are
struggling under ever-heavier burdens.
And in addition to the numerous layers of government and
accompanying government worker salaries they must fund through their
property taxes, Illinois homeowners foot the bill for expensive
unfunded mandates, inequitable collective bargaining laws and
excessive government-worker compensation.
With the highest property taxes in the state, it’s no wonder that
Lake County is losing residents through outmigration. Since 2010,
Lake County lost nearly 39,200 residents on net to other counties,
according to U.S. Census Bureau data. Collectively, net domestic
outmigration from the collar counties to other counties has totaled
122,100 residents since 2010.
And as local property taxes take a bigger and bigger bite out of
Lake County household budgets, state lawmakers threaten to make
matters even worse. Several Illinois politicians have recently
floated the idea of a graduated, or progressive, income tax to solve
the state’s fiscal woes. However, based on one such proposal
currently floating through Springfield, a median-income family in
Lake County would pay nearly $1,000 more annually under such a plan.
Taxpayers should urge their representatives in Springfield to
advance reforms that rein in the cost of government and offer relief
to taxpayers. A smart spending cap that ties state expenditures to
economic growth would force the state to spend within its means. And
real reforms to collective bargaining, unfunded mandates and
pensions are needed to bring the cost of local and state government
down to a level Illinoisans can afford.
Absent reforms like these, Lake County residents can count on
further hikes to their already outsized tax burden.
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