If you are interested, or know someone who is, employment
applications (FSA-675) are available at:
Logan County Farm Service Agency
USDA Service Center
1650 5th Street
Lincoln, IL 62656
Applications are also available online at:
fm_ct_ 001_02212014.pdf
fsa 675.doc.
Applications and resumes will be accepted and considered, if
submitted to the Logan County FSA office by 4:30 pm, Friday,
April 30th, 2018.
We recognize and appreciate the benefits of diversity in the
workplace. People who share this belief and reflect a diverse
background are encouraged to apply.
The USDA/FSA is an Equal Opportunity Provider, Employer, and

Sign Your ARC/PLC Contracts Before Planting Begins
Beginning November 1, 2017, farmers and ranchers with base acres
in the Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) or Price Loss Coverage
(PLC) safety net program began enrollment for the 2018 crop
year. The enrollment period will end on August 1, 2018.
Since shares and ownership of a farm can change year-to-year,
producers must enroll each year by signing a contract for the
current program year.
Producers not enrolled by August 1, 2018 will not be eligible
for financial assistance from the ARC or PLC programs for the
2018 crop should crop prices or farm revenues fall below the
historical price or revenue benchmarks established by the
program. Producers who made their elections in previous years
must still enroll during the 2018 enrollment period.
The ARC and PLC programs were authorized by the 2014 Farm Bill
and offer a safety net to agricultural producers when there is a
substantial drop in prices or revenues for covered commodities.
Covered commodities include barley, canola, large and small
chickpeas, corn, crambe, flaxseed, grain sorghum, lentils,
mustard seed, oats, peanuts, dry peas, rapeseed, long grain
rice, medium grain rice (which includes short grain and sweet
rice), safflower seed, sesame, soybeans, sunflower seed and
wheat. Upland cotton is no longer a covered commodity. For more
details regarding these programs, go to www.fsa.usda.gov/arc-plc.
Please call our office at 217-735-5508 ext. 2 to inquire about
signing up, or just stop on by.

Supervised Credit
Farm Service Agency (FSA) Farm Loan programs are considered
supervised credit. Unlike loans from a commercial lender, FSA
loans are intended to be temporary in nature. Therefore, it is
our goal to help you graduate to commercial credit, and our farm
loan staff is available to help borrowers through training and
credit counseling.
The FSA team will help borrowers identify their goals to ensure
financial success. Through this process, FSA staff will advise
borrowers in developing strategies and a plan to meet your
operation’s goals and graduate to commercial credit. Ultimately,
the borrower is responsible for the success of the farming
operation, but FSA’s staff will help in an advisory role to
provide the tools necessary to help you achieve your operational
goals and manage your finances.
For more information on FSA farm loan programs, visit
[to top of second column] |

Communication is Key in Lending
Farm Service Agency (FSA) is committed to providing our farm
loan borrowers the tools necessary to be a success. A part of
ensuring this success is providing guidance and counsel from the
loan application process through the borrower’s graduation to
commercial lending institutions. While it is FSA’s commitment to
advise borrowers as they identify goals and evaluate progress,
it is crucial for borrowers to communicate with their farm loan
staff when changes occur. It is the borrower’s responsibility to
alert FSA to any of the following:
Any proposed or significant changes in the
farming operation;
Any significant changes to family income or
The development of problem situations;
Any losses or proposed significant changes in
security In addition, if a farm loan borrower cannot make
payments to suppliers, other creditors, or FSA on time, contact
your farm loan staff immediately to discuss loan servicing
options. For more information on FSA farm loan programs, visit
Important Dates to Remember
April 15 - Primary Nesting Season begins (Don't
disturb CRP acres from April 15th-Aug 1st)
May 28 - Memorial Day - Office Closed
May 31 - Final Date to Apply for Marketing
Assistance Loan for 2017 fall harvested crops
July 15 - Crop Certification Deadline
Continuous - Farm Record Changes
Continuous - Farm Storage Facility Loan
Logan County FSA Office
1650 5th Street
Lincoln, IL, 62656
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Phone: 217-735-5508 ext. 2

County Committee:
Kenton Stoll - Chairman
Dennis Ramlow - Vice Chairman
Tim Southerlan - Member
Dorothy Gleason - Advisor
County Executive Director:
John Peters
Program Technicians:
Ann Curry
Tammy Edwards
Chelsie Peddicord
Farm Loan Manager:
Tony Schmillen
Next County Committee Meeting: TBD due to planting season
Persons with disabilities who require
accommodations to attend or participate in any meeting should
contact John Peters, CED, at 217-735-5508 extension 2 or Federal
Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339, 3 days prior to the scheduled
Please contact, John Peters,
County Executive Director,
at 217-735-5508 ext 2,
or for Farm Loans, please contact
Tony Schmillen,
Farm Loan Manager,
at 217-735-5508 ext 2,
USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer and lender. To file
a complaint of discrimination, write: USDA, Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Civil Rights, Office of Adjudication, 1400
Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (866)
632-9992 (Toll-free Customer Service), (800) 877-8339 (Local or
Federal relay), (866) 377-8642 (Relay voice users).