Second Annual Drones in the Heartland Conference to be held November 9th

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[November 02, 2018]   Heartland Community College is hosting the second annual Central Illinois conference to focus on the growing applications of drone technology.

Drones in the Heartland is a day-long learning and networking conference for professionals and enthusiasts interested in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) technology.

The conference will be held on the Heartland Community College campus at 1500 West Raab Road in Normal, IL from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Friday, November 9.

This year’s conference keynote speaker will be Keenan Campbell, Director of the Bureau of County Emergency Management, who will present Drones in Emergency Response.

“The Drones in the Heartland conference was created with two goals in mind,” said Amy Humphreys, Dean of Continuing Education. “To serve the growing interest both professionals and hobbyists have in drones, and also to gather insights and future learning opportunities we can pass along from the College.”

In addition to the keynote address, there will be three rounds of breakout sessions covering topics including agricultural applications, emergency response, educational practices, regulations and safety, and innovation.

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The conference will also have demonstrations, sessions with tips for those taking certification tests as well as consumer information for those looking to purchase a drone.

Registration for the conference is currently open online and will also be available at the Astroth Community Education Center on the day of the conference.

Discounts are available for Early Bird advance registrants, groups of three or more and for students and teachers.

More information and online registration for the Drones in the Heartland conference can be found at www.

For additional questions contact the Continuing Education office at 309-268-8160.

[Steve Fast
Associate Director of Public Information
Heartland Community College]


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