Registration began at 9 a.m. and the trick or treat
parade began at 10 a.m. During registration, children could enter
their name for prize drawings to be held at the end of the morning.
There were 225 children who registered for prizes. Of course, it was
noted that there were a small handful who came in a little late, and
there is a good chance that some left before the drawings were held.

The group was led by two notable characters, first
Mr. Abraham Lincoln (aka Mayor Goodman) and second, Scoopie from the
Lincoln Culver’s.
Last year, the children registered for the parade around town
totaled 180, so there was a sizeable increase in kids this year, and
there was also a sizeable increase in the number of businesses and
organizations participating by handing out sweet treats to the kids
in the parade.
The local businesses and organizations participating included:
74K Photography
Abe's Carmelcorn
Sir Renna Tea
Logan County Tourism Bureau
D' Fades
State Bank of Lincoln
Doggie Stylez
Brickey Printing
National Rent to Own
Guest House
Small Town Creations
Cherished Memories
Deep Roots Bakery
Serendipity Stitches
Altman's Attic
Logan County Title
Spirited Republic
Joe Ryan Country Insurance
Mama's Arcade
Visual Ink
Sherwin Williams
[to top of second column] |

United Way
Copper Penny
Mary Todd's Hallmark
Flossie & Delzena's
Logan County Circuit Clerk- Mary Kelly & office staff
Logan County Treasurer- Penny Thomas
Logan County Probation- Kim Turner & office staff
Lincoln College Ecolynx Club
Lincoln College Business Management Club
Michelle Bauer Country Financial
While many of these groups stood outside their own businesses, the
Logan County Tourism Bureau handed out candy at the Lincoln Route 66
Welcome Garden at the corner of Kickapoo and Pekin streets.
Others gathered along the sidewalk and on the steps of the Logan
County Courthouse including Logan County Circuit Clerk- Mary Kelly &
office staff, Logan County Treasurer Penny Thomas, Logan County
Probation - Kim Turner & office staff, Lincoln College Ecolynx Club,
and Lincoln College Business Management Club.
“Pin” was also stationed on the steps of the courthouse along with
Christa Rawlins of Logan Lanes. On the south side steps, Lincoln
Alderwoman Heidi Browne was the ‘keeper of the prizes’ that would be
drawn at the end of the day.
Others who participated the event included Andrea Dykman - Honest
Abe's Trader and Hannah Bowersock. Misty Bell also served as the
coordinator and kept the group moving in the right direction.

At intersections motorists patiently waited for kids and adults to
cross and even though every attempt was made to keep the group
together, they eventually broke into two parts. None-the-less, it
was a great time. The merchants were very happy about having the
opportunity to see so many folks in the downtown area, and of
course, the kids were thrilled with the aspects of about 40 people
filling their bags and baskets with candy.
At the end of the day, everyone collected together again on the
steps of the courthouse for a group photo with Mayor Goodman. Then
the last fun event began as names were drawn and prizes donated by a
number of Lincoln businesses were handed out to happy children.
[Nila Smith] |