Atlanta Ag 4-H kicks off new year with election of officers

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[November 10, 2018]     Send a link to a friend  Share

The Atlanta Ag 4-H club recently held their fall business meeting where new officers were elected for the coming year. After the meeting, members participated in some team building challenges then enjoyed a fall weiner roast, complete with hot dogs and s'mores.

New 2018-19 Atlanta Ag officers:

President: Mary Carlock
Vice President: Cavit Schempp
Secretary: Jamie Carlock
Treasurer: Winton Carlock
Reporter: Ethan Bertram
Historian: Molli Rose Williams and Kyrah Zeschke
Clover bud leader: Molly Schempp
Snack Committee Lead: Ethan Bertram

Pictures by Kim Carlock

From Left: Molli Rose Williams, Mary Carlock, Kyrah Zeschke, Cavit Schempp, Molly Schempp, Jamie Carlock, Cindy Schempp (Leader), Ethan Bertram, Kolton McGinnis, Joessa McGinnis, Winton Carlock, Tucker Garey, and Ryder Garey.






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