The Oasis is having a Festival of Tables
fundraiser on November 11, 2018 at 1pm The event will include savory
and sweet finger foods/beverage, entertainment, and a basket raffle.
We are looking for hosts to decorate a table with Christmas themed
décor—casual, formal, whimsical, rustic, etc. and provide six place
settings (plate, hot beverage cup, utensils, etc.). Tableware may be
ceramic, china, paper—any food safe tableware.
Hosts may purchase tickets for guests, ask guest to purchase
tickets or the Oasis to sell seats to the general public.
If you are interested in hosting a table and/or purchasing tickets, please call
Linda at 217-735-3728 for more information. Please leave a message and you will
be contacted . The deadline to sign-up for a table is October 29, 2018. The
Oasis appreciates your support of this new fundraiser.
[Linda Churchill, Festival of Tables
