[September 22, 2018]
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Goodman and Kennadie Finchum work to help bake cookies for the
Atlanta's Fall Festival. The girls are just two of several Atlanta
Ag 4-H members who did the baking. The group made "Destination
Delicious" Route 66 Chocolate Chip Cookies, which won second prize
at the judging, and also Route 66 Quick Bread. The goods were
auctioned off at the festival, and brought in a total of $37.50.
The club also had a float in the parade. The kids enjoyed preparing
the float and especially enjoyed being in the parade.

Cindy Schempp (leader), Paige Finchum,
Abigail Goodman, Kennadie Finchum, Allen Goodman, Ethan Bertram,
Joessa McGinnis, Kolton McGinnis |


Allen Goodman |

Joessa McGinnis, Jamie Carlock, Molly
Schempp |

Kim Carlock (leader), Paige Finchum, Mary Carlock, Joessa McGinnis |

Cavit Schempp
By Kim Carlock |
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