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To the editor:As a history
junkie, I sit glued to watching the farewell given to Sen. John
McCain. A fitting tribute to a man who served his country his entire
adult life. Conspiracy theories aside, he was a man of bravery,
honor, and dignity in the fullest sense of those words.
As a POW, he gave old information to his enemies knowing it would do
them no good and refused to be released before men who had been in
captivity longer. He withstood brutal treatment and, in later years,
helped return our country to normal relations with the country who
tortured him.

[to top of second column in this letter] |

As a senator, he worked in a bipartisan fashion and,
up to his death, asked to return to that norm. He knew that this
winner take all, gladiator politics currently in place will destroy
us. He knew that people he might disagree with politically were
still worthy of respect and had ideas worth hearing.
Rest In Peace, Senator. Hopefully, your example will spark us to
righting the ship.
Jane Ryan [Posted
September 4,
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