During this celebratory event, students from across
the University will present the results of their research and
creative efforts to the Millikin community. Multiple concurrent
sessions modeled on an academic conference format and organized
independently by each department will run across campus.
Millikin's Celebrations of Scholarship shows that an education
focused on engaging students in the theory and practice of their
disciplines develops accomplished scholars prepared for graduate and
professional study or challenging positions in the workplace.
"Celebrations of Scholarship is a demonstration of the remarkable
breadth and depth of high-quality academic engagement students
experience at Millikin University," said Millikin Provost Dr. Jeff
Aper. "The rich fabric of student learning made possible through
Performance Learning, which invites and challenges students to do
the real work of the disciplines they study, will be put on full

The event will represent scholarship across a wide range of
disciplines including behavioral sciences, fine arts, modern
languages, exercise science and sport, entrepreneurship and nursing.
Scheduled events include everything from a freshmen business plan
competition to theatre students presenting their scene work.
Celebrations of Scholarship will also feature
Critical Storytelling in Millennial Times, presented through a
collection of essays by Millikin students, and the work of Long-Vanderburg
[to top of second column] |

Dr. Aper added, "Through Performance Learning experiences,
students apply and demonstrate the meaning and effectiveness of academic
learning integrated with professional activity and application. Millikin
University shines through the vibrant community of thinkers and doers who
contribute to the range and depth of the student work given a public forum
during Celebrations of Scholarship."
Additionally, Celebrations of Scholarship includes the 26th annual Research
Poster Symposium, dedicated to Judy and the late G. Richard Locke, M.D. The
Poster Symposium will be held from 1 – 3 p.m. in the Bob & Debi Johnston Banquet
Room located on the 3rd floor of the University Commons on Millikin's campus.
The Poster Symposium highlights the scholarly work completed by students in
regularly scheduled courses, seminars, independent studies, directed studies,
internships, summer undergraduate research fellowships, Leighty Scholar, Long-Vanderburg
Scholar and James Millikin Scholar projects.
Prior to Celebrations of Scholarship, Millikin University will honor students
and faculty during the 2019 Distinguished Faculty Lecture and Honors Convocation
on Thursday, April 25 at 7 p.m. in Kirkland Fine Arts Center.
For more information and a full list of Celebrations of Scholarship
presentations, visit millikin.edu/cos.
[ Millikin University Director of
Media Relations Dane Lisser] |