Purchased raffle tickets are good through all four
quilt drawings. Winner need not be present at any of the drawings.
2019 quilt raffle marks the Atlanta Quilt Corner 5th year of
raffling quilts as a thank you to the Atlanta Parks District for
allowing us to use the basement of the Atlanta Memorial Community
House for our 250 quilting and 400 sewing projects, each year,
created for local charity. This year four quilts will be awarded
throughout the year.
Two quilts are now on display at the Atlanta Library,
the third quilt is displayed at The Dixie Restaurant, McLean,
Illinois, with the fourth quilt changing out the Atlanta Library
display in May then moving to The Dixie after July 4th.

Tickets for the quilts are available April through
September 11th at the Atlanta Library checkout desk and The Dixie
Restaurant cashier counter, McLean, Illinois, as well as, at the
quilt drawing sites listed –
1) Atlanta Park, Easter Egg Hunt,
April 20th,
10:30 a.m.
Beautiful, tied, blue, cream, and beige throw size quilt.
2) Atlanta Fire Barn,
Memorial Day Breakfast and Lunch,
May 27th,
7:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Machine quilted, full size blue and white floral quilt.
[to top of second column] |

3) The Dixie Restaurant,
McLean, Illinois cashier counter,
July 4th, 8:00 p.m.
Military Themed, tied, twin size quilt. All five branches of the service are
represented as seen in the picture.
4) Atlanta Park, Fall Festival,
Sept 12-14th,
5-9 p.m.
Beautiful, bright, multi-Colored Rail Fence, tied, throw size quilt. Quilt top
created by Marion Rankin, Atlanta.
The Atlanta Quilt Corner partners with the Atlanta Needlework Guild to expand
charity donations to include winter hats, scarves, prayer shawls, hospice
afghans, Santa Shop gifts, soft toys, school bags, and totes. Both groups thanks
everyone that has so generously donated fabric, yarn, etc.
[Donna Campbell]