members Alyssa Casey, Landen Alcorn, Reece Douglas, Garrett
Smith and Ryleigh Hilt enjoy the delicious meal catered by
Trails End BBQ and sponsored by Syngenta Global Ag and
Bloomington Meats.
Olympia FFA Honors Members at Chapter Banquet
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[April 29, 2019]
On Sunday, April 7th, the Olympia FFA Chapter
held their annual Chapter Banquet. There were 49 FFA members and
over 120 guests present at the banquet. On this night the FFA
Chapter recognizes all of their members and their accomplishments. A
few of the awards included Star Greenhand, Kailey Little, Star
Sophomore, Tyler Miller, Star Junior, Cavit Schempp, and Star
Senior, Molly Schempp.

Kailey Little
delivers the FFA Creed for the crowd of members, parents, alumni and
To begin the night, both members and guests met in
the cafeteria. After the welcome from Molly Schempp and instructions
from Mr. Hoffman, tables were released to eat a complimentary dinner
prepared by Trails End BBQ and sponsored by Syngenta Global Ag and
Bloomington Meats. While everyone was eating, a slide show of all
the Career Development Events, also known as CDE’s, was shown. After
dinner, the awards program of the FFA chapter took place in the
auditorium. During the program, many awards were handed out and
members were recognized for their accomplishments throughout this
past year. Slide shows, such as senior pictures, were also shown to
the audience. One of the many highlights was the Olympia FFA Alumni
and Supporters scholarship awards. Four Olympia seniors were awarded
college scholarships ranging from $900 to $1000 each. Scholarship
winners included: Molly Schempp, Lane Miller, Dawson Banister, and
Dwayne Hancock.

Another popular award is the Kyle Haning Blue & Gold Award sponsored
by First Farmers State Bank-Minier. This award is given to the
non-officers who have earned the most FFA participation points
throughout the year. Tyler Miller, Lane Schweigert and Kailey Little
were recognized and we also remembered our dedicated alumni, the
late Kyle Haning. The Farm Bureau presented Cavit Schempp with the
FFA Service Award for his dedication to community service. Alumni
member, Gina Schaefer, was recognized for her outstanding service to
the Olympia FFA Chapter.
[to top of second column] |

The FFA members of the month were also recognized:
Bailey Rogers, Ty Miller, Lane Schweigert, Kailey Little, Alex
Kindred, Shandre Willoughby, Kari Simpson, and Kaden Seeman. These
awards are sponsored by Mark Dietrich-Dietrich Home Builders, Inc.

Senior Vice
President-Dawson Banister delivers his retiring address before
installing new Vice President-Kaylin Simpson.
To close the ceremony the retiring officer team gives
their duties to the new officer team. The old officer team of
2018-2019 was President, Molly Schempp, Vice Presidents, Lane
Miller, Dawson Banister, and Josie Litwiller, Secretary, Alyssa
Casey, Treasurer, Cavit Schempp, Reporter, Kaylin Simpson, Sentinel,
Dwayne Hancock and Historian, Elizabeth Davis. The new officer team
of 2019-2020 consists of President, Cavit Schempp, Vice Presidents,
Alyssa Casey, Josie Litwiller, and Kaylin Simpson, Secretary, Bailey
Rogers, Treasurer, Elizabeth Davis, Reporter, Ty Miller, Sentinel,
Lane Schweigert, and Historian, Kailey Little. Submitted by: Chloe
Scroggins-FFA Media/Marketing Specialist.
[Bryce A. Hoffman
Ag Teacher/FFA Advisor
Olympia High School]