[August 10, 2019]
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Pictures by Curtis Fox |

001 Meet magician extraordinaire, Tim
Stolba. Stolba was at the Lincoln Public Library Summer Reading


002 Tim and the young readers at the
LPL summer reading program “It’s Showtime at Your Library” get ready
for another exciting Thursday morning of entertainment. |

005 Oh, the drama! Miss Tegan has to
tell all of her summer readers that this summer’s exciting reading
program ends the next day. Turn in those reading logs. The special
T-shirts are on their way! |

010 Now how are those pompoms connected? They are, they aren't. It’s
all magic. |

011 Tim about to perform the classic cut rope trick. |

012 The one rope is cut in two and then he puts them back together
without a knot to create one. How did he do that? Tim told his
audience that section 793.8 in the library stacks gives the answer.
Reading about magic is magical. |

025 Duncan gets to help with a little magic. |

027 And he walks away with a brand new hat courtesy of Tim’s
slight-of-hand. |
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