The public
is invited to Camp Griesheim's
Annual Meeting to be held on Sunday,
September 15 at 5 p.m. in their main
facility in Atlanta, Illinois.
Refreshments and fellowship will
follow the meeting.
St. John UCC to host Christian Carnival on
St. John UCC to host Christian Carnival on
St. John UCC
to host Christian Carnival on Sunday
St. John UCC to host Christian Carnival on
St. John United
Church of Christ in Lincoln is sponsoring a
Christian Carnival on Sunday from 2:30 to
4:30 p.m. The activities will be on the
church's parking lot, at the corner of
Eighth and Maple streets.
public is invited. All ages are welcome to
join in the games, snacks, songs, stories
and more fun -- and win prizes, too -- all
for free.
For answers to questions about the event,
call the church office, 732-6957.
The carnival is sponsored by the St. John
Christian Education Ministry.
[Text from
file received]
- See more at:
Saturday Meal
Logan County Love
Open to everyone
Logan County Love will once again provide a free
meal to anyone wishing to join. If you are
interested, please stop by and introduce
yourself as the group would love to see everyone
in the community. Come hungry and leave
fulfilled. For this month, the meal will include
chicken and noodles. If you are unable to drive
but would like a meal, call the church,
217-732-6957, between 5 and 6 pm.
St. John UCC, corner of
Seventh and Maple
5-6:30 pm - See more at:
3rd Saturday
Logan County Love
Open to everyone
Logan County Love will once again provide a free
meal to anyone wishing to join. If you are
interested, please stop by and introduce
yourself as the group would love to see everyone
in the community. Come hungry and leave
fulfilled. For this month, the meal will include
chicken and noodles. If you are unable to drive
but would like a meal, call the church,
217-732-6957, between 5 and 6 pm.
St. John UCC, corner of
Seventh and Maple
5-6:30 pm
- See more at:
Presbyterian Calendar for August
The annual concert series schedule sponsored by the
San Jose Christian Church, San Jose United Methodist Church and St.
Luke's Lutheran Church has been established for the 2019 summer
The concerts for this year will be conducted June through August and
will feature the following performers:
Sunday, June 23rd - The Gibson Girls
Sunday, July 29th - The Chosen Ones
Sunday, August 25th - The David Melton Family
All events begin at 5 p.m. in Pree Park in San Jose with free food
and activities. The concerts will begin at 6 p.m. Guests are
encouraged to bring their own lawnchairs.
The concerts are free and open to the public. All are welcome.
[San Jose UMC Office]
204 N. McLean St.
Sunday, August 25 | 6–8 p.m.
Join us on Sunday, August 25, for a Pool Party at the Lincoln Rec
Center. We invite all of our families to come out to the pool and
make sure to bring some friends! We hope to see lots of our kids
their and all of our VBS friends! So begin thinking of who you can
invite today!
600 S. First Street, San Jose, IL
The third concert of this summer’s concert series will feature
Gospel music recording artists, “THE DAVE MELTON FAMILY SINGERS, on
Sunday, August 25th at 6:00 pm. The concert will be held in the
fellowship hall of the San Jose United Methodist Church, 600 S.
First Street, San Jose, Illinois.

THE DAVE MELTON FAMILY SINGERS is family singing group based out of
Franklin, IN. Dave and his wife, Krista are joined by their five
children: Trevin, Kyle, Kadee and identical twin girls, Macy and
Gracie, as they travel the nation singing.
Dave Melton is an ordained minister and singer who grew up singing
with his family in the “Melton Family Singers”. Dave and his family
now continue the family tradition of singing Southern Gospel music.
Through the years they have been blessed to sing thousands of
concerts and to see lives changed and hearts blessed by the Gospel
message in song. Dave also has been privileged to preach in churches
all across the nation. Their aim is always to point others to the
cross and to our Savior. So come out and let their music encourage
your hearts; strengthen your faith; and remind you of God’s great
love for you!
Make plans to attend this exciting event. This is a FREE CONCERT and
everyone is welcome. Beginning at 5:00 pm there will be activities
and FREE food. The concert will begin promptly at 6:00 pm. This year
you do not need to bring chairs and the concert is being held within
an air-conditioned hall.
This concert series is sponsored by the San Jose Christian Church,
San Jose United Methodist Church and St. Luke Lutheran Church.
Please join us for these concerts. Everyone is welcome.

204 N. McLean St.
KIDS WORSHIP —August 2019
Relationships can be hard! Especially with that one kid you share a
bedroom with. . . . During August we will be
looking at sibling relationships throughout the Bible and how we can
let go of our anger and jealousy in order to better connect with one
another and, ultimately, with God. Our key verse this month is John
15:12:“Love each other.”
If you would like to review this month’s series with your child,
here are the the titles, texts and themes:
Cain Kills His Brother in Anger. Genesis 4:2–16. We show God’s love
by controlling anger.
Joseph Steals His Brother’s Blessing. Genesis 27:1–45. We show God’s
love by being honest.
Joseph Is Sold Into Slavery. Genesis 37:3–36. We show God’s love by
encouraging each other.
Story of the Lost Son. Luke 15:11–32. We show God’s love by
forgiving each other.
1409 Pulaski St.
September 7 | 8:30-10:30am.
Let your light shine. Enjoy breakfast, music and
fellowship with many Christian sisters. To make reservations call
Immanuel office 732-6777. Reservations are due by Friday, August
30th and will be limited to 125 so register early.
204 N. McLean St.
Join us for a six-week study looking at “Snapshots from the Early
Church” led by LCU professor Dr. Brian Messner. Brian is a gifted
scholar and will help us understand how early Christians worshiped
and what challenges they faced living as a Christian in their world.
The principles Brian highlights will then
help us navigate our faith today. You will know and experience God
more deeply and personally through this series. This study begins
September 4 at 6:30 p.m. No registration necessary.
204 N. McLean St.
MAY 23-24, 2020!
Calling all GOOD NEWS alumni and sponsors! We are so
excited to announce the 50th year of GOOD NEWS will be celebrated
with a reunion and concert, May 23–24, 2020! We will rehearse on
Saturday and Sunday afternoon, with the big reunion concert at 6:00
p.m. on Sunday, May 24 (Memorial Day weekend) at Lincoln Christian
University. Mark your calendar now! We will bring
back as many of the former GOOD NEWS directors as possible. The
Reunion Choir will sing a favorite song from each decade as well as
hear from the current Good News and T.R.A.S.H. This will be a blast!
Please plan to join us!
GOOD NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY began in 1971. Created from the Youth
Choir of Lincoln Christian Church, Keith Davenport added the
dimension of touring with the “Good News” of Jesus. There have been
close to 1,000 students who have been in GOOD NEWS over the last 50
years, (we are still counting!) with hundreds of dedicated sponsors
who have traveled with our students.
GOOD NEWS has shared the Good News of Jesus Christ in concerts in 43
states and Canada. On our 2019 tour next week we add #41 (Utah), #42
(Montana) and #43 (North Dakota).
GOOD NEWS alumni and sponsors (and parents!), we have created
several ways for you to stay in contact to receive all of the
information about the Reunion Concert.
To update your contact information, register for the Reunion
Concert, send e-invites to fellow GOOD NEWSers, share photos (we
need your photos, especially the formal group shots), videos, and
stories, and once you have registered to sing in the Reunion
Concert, receive a link to download the concert music, go to: , Check social media (Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter) with #GoodNews50, email us at
Join us in May 2020 to celebrate the legacy and continued ministry
of GOOD NEWS! We can’t wait to see all of you gathered together to
once again proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ in song!