Powder Keg: FDA bowed to industry for decades as alarms were sounded
over talc
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[December 03, 2019]
By Lisa Girion and Chad Terhune
(Reuters) - At an invitation-only gathering
late last year, U.S. regulators and their guests huddled at a hotel near
Washington, D.C., to discuss the best way to detect cancer-causing
asbestos in talc powders and cosmetics.
The “Asbestos in Talc Symposium,” sponsored by the Food and Drug
Administration, was dominated by industry hands: Most of the 21
non-government participants had done work for talc companies, such as
testing and serving as expert witnesses and consultants, symposium
documents and other records show.
Key sessions were led by witnesses for Johnson & Johnson in lawsuits
alleging the company failed to warn customers that its Baby Powder was
tainted with cancer-causing asbestos, the records show. Others who
sought invitations were turned away, including a physician who had
testified against J&J in trials that resulted in billions of dollars in
damage awards against the company.
History was repeating itself.
Over the past 50 years, the FDA has relied upon - and often deferred to
- industry even as outside experts and consumers repeatedly raised
serious health concerns about talc powders and cosmetics, a Reuters
investigation found.

Again and again since at least the 1970s, the agency has downplayed the
risk of asbestos contamination and declined to issue warnings or impose
safety standards, according to documents produced in court proceedings
and in response to public records requests.
The agency said it lacks the authority to require manufacturers to test
for asbestos in talc or report any results. And it seldom has ordered
its own tests - until recently.
Amid heightened scrutiny in Congress, a criminal investigation of J&J
and costly jury verdicts against the company, the regulator commissioned
tests that found asbestos in 11 talc-based cosmetics, including
Johnson’s Baby Powder. J&J recalled 33,000 bottles.
Raja Krishnamoorthi, an Illinois congressman who chairs a U.S. House
subcommittee investigating talc safety, told Reuters it was time for
regulators to stop relying on manufacturers’ safety assurances.
“When something as serious as cancer or carcinogens are at issue,”
Krishnamoorthi said, “self-regulation doesn’t make a lot of sense.”
In written responses to questions from Reuters, the FDA said its
resources and authority to regulate the cosmetic industry are limited.
The agency said it has no power to ensure the safety of cosmetics before
they are put on store shelves, nor to force companies to pull them off
when potential hazards are discovered.
“We are dependent on manufacturers to take steps to ensure the safety of
their products,” the FDA said after announcing a voluntary recall of
tainted cosmetics in March.
FDA officials declined to comment on the decisions of former employees
over the years, saying only that the agency relies on the best
information available and that studies “have improved our understanding
of how and why asbestos fibers are hazardous.”
The agency said it now recognizes, as the World Health Organization and
other public health agencies did years ago, that there is no known safe
level of asbestos. FDA officials said their current policy is to act
swiftly - and if necessary encourage recalls - even when small amounts
are discovered.
The regulator has stood by its recent tests of Johnson’s Baby Powder,
despite pushback from the company.
J&J, the world’s largest producer of talc powders, said in a statement
that it recalled the 33,000 bottles of Baby Powder out of an “abundance
of caution.” Eleven days later, the company announced that tests by labs
it hired had determined that there was no asbestos - other than some
contamination it said came from an air conditioner - in samples from the
one bottle tested by the FDA and the batch it came from.

In written responses to Reuters, J&J said it systematically tests its
talc and has always found its powders to be safe and pure. “Throughout
the 1970s and '80s, the FDA and other regulatory bodies defended talc,”
J&J's Chief Executive Alex Gorsky testified in an Oct. 3 deposition.
“FDA agreed overall with the position that we had taken with the safety
of our talc.”
The company told Reuters that it “has long cooperated (with) and
supported the FDA in its mission to protect the public health,” and that
any suggestion it has unduly influenced the agency to reduce regulation
or standards is “just false.”
The FDA now is under increasing pressure to ensure talc powders and
cosmetics are free from asbestos. The agency’s testing of talc-based
cosmetics this year followed jury verdicts totaling more than $5 billion
against J&J in cancer lawsuits, as well as a Dec. 14 Reuters report
showing that J&J knew its raw talc and powders sometimes tested positive
for asbestos from the 1970s into the early 2000s and did not report
those findings to the agency.
J&J has disputed the Reuters report as "one-sided, false and
In the wake of the Reuters report, the company announced it was under
investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Securities and
Exchange Commission. According to people familiar with the matter, these
include a criminal grand jury probe into how forthright J&J has been
about the safety of its powders.
The FDA began looking into talc safety in 1971 after researchers at
Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York found what appeared to be
asbestos in unnamed brands of talc powder.
Two years later, FDA records show, the agency found asbestos in a sample
of Shower to Shower, a J&J powder at the time that was made with the
same talc as Johnson’s Baby Powder. The FDA never publicly announced the
J&J told Reuters the result was not final, citing findings in an FDA
table issued in 1976. But that table, reviewed by Reuters, is ambiguous,
listing no result for the type of asbestos found in 1973.
J&J told Reuters the gap means no asbestos was found.
Assured by J&J and other manufacturers that their talc was safe, the FDA
eventually ended its inquiry without taking action because “the
potential hazard did not warrant a recall,” Heinz J. Eiermann, a former
J&J researcher who at the time ran the agency’s cosmetics division,
wrote in a March 1976 memo.
That same year, J&J, other talc companies and their trade group, the
Cosmetic Toiletry and Fragrance Association, persuaded FDA officials
that manufacturers could monitor the safety of their own products,
according to records J&J and the group produced in litigation.
The FDA dropped plans to impose testing and purity standards for talc
powders and cosmetics. The trade group published its own test, which was
voluntary for companies to use. The written standard for that test
acknowledges that it cannot detect most types of asbestos at low levels,
nor one common type - chrysotile - at all.
In a statement to Reuters, the trade group said it believed that
chrysotile was not commonly linked to talc used in cosmetics.
Chrysotile is the type of asbestos the FDA-commissioned test found in
Baby Powder this year. It also was found in several tests conducted by
labs for J&J on its talc from 1972 through 2003, according to records
produced in litigation. J&J has said that some of the tests were on
industrial talc and that others, on Baby Powder talc, reflected
background contamination.
Asbestos is a loose term for a group of six minerals that readily
separate into needles or fibers. Easily inhaled, they are known to cause
lung, ovarian and other types of cancer. While most people exposed never
get cancer, for some even small amounts are enough to trigger the
disease. Just how small has not been established.
Talc safety concerns resurfaced in 1983 when a graduate student scouring
geology journals for a toxicology class came across information he
considered disturbing: Talc deposits are commonly laced with asbestos, a
similar mineral.
Philippe Douillet immediately thought of the talc powder his sister used
on her baby, he recalled in an interview with Reuters. He urged her to
stop using it. Then he petitioned the FDA to require an asbestos warning
on talc powders.
“It was really obvious to me there was a big issue there,” said Douillet,
who now runs a biotechnology company in Miami.
When the FDA began evaluating Douillet’s petition, it looked to J&J for
key information, agency records show. The FDA’s June 1985 risk
assessment relied upon a decade-old letter from the company for the
agency’s estimate of the amount of dust babies were exposed to during
That 1974 letter from J&J to the FDA said that, hypothetically, even if
babies were exposed to talc powder with as much as 1% asbestos, it would
be a far lower concentration than allowed at the time for industrial
J&J told Reuters in a statement that “at no point has Johnson & Johnson
taken the position that it would consider talc containing 1% asbestos
appropriate for sale to consumers.”
In the end, the FDA decided there was no need for an asbestos warning on
talc powders. In a July 1986 letter to Douillet, acting associate FDA
commissioner J.W. Swanson wrote that the quality of cosmetic talc had
improved “and that even when asbestos was present, the levels were so
low that no health hazard existed.”
What’s more, Swanson wrote, agency officials had come to question
earlier reported findings of asbestos in talc powders. Those doubts, he
wrote, were based in part on a paper published in the proceedings of a
1977 scientific conference.
Both of the paper’s authors had worked for J&J, one as an asbestos
testing contractor and the other as its longtime talc supply manager.
The authors argued that some testing methods were apt to misidentify
microscopic lookalike rock splinters as asbestos. The industry’s test,
the paper said, was designed to avoid this confusion.
Other U.S. and European public health authorities have come to regard
such splinters as presumptive toxins because of their similarity to
The FDA defended its 1986 decision to reject Douillet’s petition. In a
statement, it said the graduate student “did not provide persuasive
evidence that the cosmetic talc produced at the time contained
significant amounts of asbestos minerals.”
Eight years later, the regulator received a new request for a warning
label on talc powders. This one came from Dr. Samuel Epstein, a
University of Illinois environmental medicine professor who chaired the
Cancer Prevention Coalition, an advocacy group.
Epstein’s 1994 petition didn’t concern asbestos. It raised the
possibility that talc, by itself, was a hazard worthy of a warning
label. His petition was based on research showing that talc, when used
as an antiperspirant and deodorant in underwear, was associated with
ovarian cancer.
In a brief July 1995 letter, FDA acting cosmetics chief John Bailey told
Epstein's coalition that the agency had taken no action because it had
other priorities.
Bailey told Reuters in a statement that he issued this “interim”
response because the petition lacked scientific support.
[to top of second column]

Dr. David Egilman poses for a portrait at his office in Attleboro,
Massachusetts, U.S. June 17, 2019. REUTERS/Faith Ninivaggi

In 2002, having taken no action on the petition, Bailey moved to the
cosmetic trade group, now known as Personal Care Products Council.
The council considered him a “key employee” because of his “former
employment with the FDA,” according to a tax filing by the group.
Now a consultant, Bailey serves as a litigation expert witness to
J&J and other talc companies. In his statement to Reuters, Bailey
said he had been hired at the council “as a scientist responsible
for applying sound science to decision making.” He disputed Reuters’
finding that the FDA deferred to industry, saying the agency takes
potential health concerns seriously and does its own evaluations.
In 2006, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for
Research on Cancer classified use of talc powder in the perineum
area - the pelvic region between the legs - as “possibly
carcinogenic.” Two years later, Illinois medical scientist Epstein
filed a second petition to the FDA seeking a cancer warning label on
talc products.
J&J went to work to defeat it. In a May 2008 email to colleagues,
J&J executive Kathleen K. Wille wrote: “Our response could be a
potential source of data and information on which the FDA can base
their response.”
Together, J&J, its talc supplier and the Personal Care Products
Council arranged for a pair of scientists to assess the published
studies that linked talc and ovarian cancer, according to emails and
other records produced in litigation. The scientists concluded that
the evidence was too weak to consider talc as a cause.
At a May 2009 meeting, Bailey, Wille and other industry
representatives briefed FDA officials on the assessment, according
to a meeting memo produced in litigation by J&J’s talc supplier.
Three days later, Wille told colleagues in an email, “We have every
confidence that the FDA will dismiss this petition once they have
reviewed our submission.”
J&J told Reuters in a statement that the company had been confident
because it believed the agency would be swayed by science, which it
said supported J&J’s position that talc does not cause ovarian
Before the FDA ruled on the warning requests, however, concerns
about asbestos contamination flared again. This time, the FDA’s
South Korean counterpart reported finding asbestos in talc powders.

Acting on that 2009 report, the FDA commissioned talc tests for the
first time in 40 years, hiring Maryland-based AMA Analytical
Services Inc, which analyzed 34 samples of talc powders and
cosmetics, including Johnson’s Baby Powder. It found no asbestos in
any of them.
The lab had no experience testing for asbestos in talc. Its prior
work focused on building materials such as vinyl flooring, according
to the deposition testimony of AMA lab director Andreas Saldivar.
The FDA has said Saldivar’s lab used “the most sensitive techniques
available” but cautioned that the results were limited to the 34
talc powders and cosmetics tested.
The testing had other limitations as well. Saldivar’s lab looked at
less talc per sample than other labs that have found asbestos in
talc powders. And it did its work in a fraction of the time typical
for such analyses, according to a Reuters review of the lab report
and interviews with experts who test talc for asbestos.
Saldivar’s lab was recently rehired by the FDA. This time, it found
the asbestos that led to the first recall of J&J’s iconic Baby
Powder. Saldivar declined to comment.
In the first verdict of its kind, a South Dakota jury found in
October 2013 that J&J had a duty to warn women that research had
linked its talc powder to ovarian cancer. No damages were awarded.
Then the FDA weighed in on the issue. In April 2014, 20 years after
Epstein first contacted the agency, the FDA rejected both of his
petitions for warning labels. Its announcement said the science
wasn’t strong enough to support a cancer warning, echoing the
assessment J&J and its industry partners had presented to the agency
in 2009.
In court, such arguments have not always proved convincing. In early
2016, a Missouri jury concluded J&J’s powders caused a woman’s
ovarian cancer death and awarded her survivors $72 million. An
appellate court later set that verdict aside, ruling that the woman
had filed her suit in the wrong state.
In the aftermath, the FDA asked J&J for “safety literature and data
regarding talc,” correspondence shows. The company submitted a
report saying no asbestos had “ever been found during any testing”
of its talc.
Since then, lawsuits have compelled J&J to produce internal
documents that show the company knew its talc and powders had tested
positive for asbestos on occasion for decades.

The company now faces more than 16,000 lawsuits alleging that its
powders caused ovarian cancer and mesothelioma, an incurable cancer.
The vast majority are awaiting trial. In court, there have been
mixed verdicts, mistrials and some appellate rulings in J&J’s favor.
Last year, in response to renewed asbestos concerns, FDA cosmetics
chief Linda Katz began organizing the November 2018 symposium and a
public hearing on talc testing, now planned for next year.
She reached out to J&J for help. J&J vice president Jethro Ekuta
responded by sending Katz a letter in June 2018 recommending a list
of three talc testing experts. All three had served as defense
witnesses or consultants for J&J.
Two of the experts Ekuta recommended, as well as a third J&J defense
witness, led sessions at the closed-door “Asbestos in Talc
Symposium” on Nov. 28, 2018. None of the sessions were led by
medical experts who had questioned the safety of talc powders and
J&J said that apart from recommending experts, it did not advise the
FDA on the symposium. Ekuta, who has left J&J, declined to comment.
In a statement to Reuters, the FDA downplayed its role in the
symposium, saying the event was “hosted” by the Joint Institute for
Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (JIFSAN), a research group
co-founded by the FDA. “No formal or regulatory recommendations were
expected or made,” the agency said.
In fact, records show, the FDA initiated and paid for the meeting,
set the agenda and chose the participants.
The meeting set the stage for formal recommendations on how to test
products used every day by millions of people. The FDA said a
government committee tasked with proposing a standard test for
asbestos in talc powders and cosmetics is “continuing to work
through issues discussed at the JIFSAN symposium.”
Many FDA meetings are held in public and invite comment. Details on
the talc symposium were hard to come by, however, even after it was
The FDA declined Reuters’ requests to provide a list of participants
or any information on what transpired. After Reuters filed a public
records request with JIFSAN, the research group posted meeting
information online and released planning emails.
The guest list showed that more than half of the 54 participants
were employed by or recently retired from FDA and other agencies. Of
the 21 non-government participants, 17 had either worked for talc
companies, done lab testing or served as expert witnesses for the
industry, Reuters found. Five of the participants affiliated with
talc companies also have served as expert witnesses for plaintiffs.
Most of the non-government participants were experts in geology or
minerals testing.
In a statement, the FDA said it would ordinarily avoid having
sessions led by defense or plaintiff witnesses. However, the agency
said there are a “limited number of experts worldwide with
scientific knowledge” on asbestos testing, standards and results
Not everyone was welcome.
Among those turned away was Dr. David Egilman, a clinical professor
of family medicine at Brown University. He testified last year in a
trial that ended in a $4.69 billion verdict for women alleging J&J’s
talc powders caused their ovarian cancers.
Egilman told Reuters he was concerned that if the FDA was guided by
geologists and industry consultants, it might overlook fundamental
questions about which mineral fibers cause cancer. He wanted to
offer his expertise, as a physician and researcher, on what
technicians should look for under the microscope.
Testing hinges “on the determination of what particles or elements
should be tested for,” he wrote in a November 2018 email to
organizers asking to be included in the symposium. “This is a
medical question and not a technical question.”
Katz took a different view. In an email forwarded to Egilman, she
said: “This meeting is not intended to discuss health-related issues
or concerns.” She met with Egilman later.
Katz also told Egilman that the symposium was not intended to reach
any consensus. At its conclusion, however, session leaders,
including three who have served as defense witnesses for J&J,
drafted what they called “consensus” or “concurrence” reports.
Two of the reports reviewed by Reuters embraced industry positions
on what fibers should be counted as hazardous, an issue of fierce
contention in courtrooms across the country. The reports discouraged
counting fibers that may or may not be asbestos, saying that doing
so might exaggerate the hazard.
That view runs contrary to the positions of other U.S. and European
public health officials, who presume mineral fibers that even look
like asbestos are toxic.
As Arnold Brody, a professor emeritus at Tulane University Medical
School, told jurors in a talc powder trial last year, “The lung
doesn’t care" what it's called.
These issues are likely to be aired at the public hearing the FDA
said it is planning for next year. The gathering could signal how
the agency intends to navigate between industry and consumer
interests in coming years.
Krishnamoorthi, the congressman heading the House investigation into
talc safety, said the agency needs to bring consumers and their
advocates into the discussion.
“In light of the public interest around this particular issue,” he
said, “we need to find out what’s going on.”
(Editing by Julie Marquis and Mike Williams)
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