Lincoln Youth Wrestling Club will be hosting
the 14th annual Lincoln Railer Rumble youth wrestling tournament
this Sunday December 8, 2019, at Lincoln Community High School.
Over 450 youth wrestlers from all over the state of Illinois
will be competing in five different age divisions from preschool
to Jr high. Wrestling will begin at 9:00 a.m. and take place on
eight mats in the Roy S. Anderson gymnasium.
In conjunction with the tournament Lincoln Youth Wrestling will
conduct a food drive and fundraiser benefiting the Lincoln Logan
Food Pantry. The club will also be accepting donations to help
fund the Walt Landers Wrestling Scholarship sponsored by the
Lincoln Area Wrestling Boosters Association. People attending
the event are asked to donate $5.00 worth of non-perishable food
or a $5.00 cash donation per family for admission to the
Breakfast and lunch will be available from the concession stand
all day served by the Lincoln First United Methodist Church
Youth Mission team. Tournament T- shirts will be available.
If anyone is interested in more information about the Rumble or
would like to volunteer in anyway. Please contact Walt Landers
at 217-519-3619.