Land of Lincoln CEO program now accepting applications for next school year

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[December 28, 2019]  LINCOLN - The CEO program of Land of Lincoln is now accepting applications for students who are interested in participating in next year’s CEO (Creating Entrepreneurial Opportunities) program.

Students of all skill sets and backgrounds have the opportunity to be successful in this class, so long as they are hard-working, trustworthy, and willing to take on an exciting challenge.

LLCEO is more than a business class. It is a discovery learning course that offers high school juniors and seniors the opportunity to immerse themselves in a dynamic and authentic learning environment tied to the challenges and opportunities in the local community.

CEO connects students to community leaders through business visits and guest speaking opportunities, but more importantly challenges them to become great communicators and networkers, problem solvers, and creative thinkers.

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The discovery learning environment has two culminating experiences for program participants: a team-built class business and a trade show which showcases the individually designed business. The success of CEO is reflected in the development of essential skills and an expansive, long-lasting network of community members and business owners.

For students who are interested in participating, the deadline to apply is March 6, 2020. Please go to for more information or go directly to the application at https://www.landof lincolnceo. com/applynow/application.

[Jennifer Keith]


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