Atlanta Smithsonian Museum on Main Street

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[February 08, 2019]     Send a link to a friend  Share

Pictures by  Curtis Fox

A large crowd of Atlanta residents attended the opening party for the “Smithsonian Museum on Main Street” and the Atlanta “Classrooms and Community” exhibits held at the Atlanta Museum on Friday evening. The two exhibits required countless hours of imagination and many volunteers to bring to fruition.

Atlanta Library Director Cathy Maciariello and Atlanta Museum Director Rachel Neisler greet their guests at the opening of Museum on Main Street. The two along with a long list of community volunteers have crafted a wonderful and exciting display.




Illinois Humanities representatives (from left) Elliot, Paul and Matt were instrumental in linking the Atlanta Museum with the Smithsonian to bring the amazing experience to town.

Sage words from noted author Willa Cather, who wrote about rural America.

Main Street is an iconic symbol that has brought residents of rural America together.


The hardships of rural America have produced a unique foundation of hardy citizens.


How has the changing education environment created a different community over the years? This is the theme of the Atlanta contribution to The Museum on Main Street. One room schools in the 1850’s to a consolidated school district in the 1970’s


The “Classrooms” exhibit was a year in the making. It involves mementos of the different school settings as well as oral histories of residents who attended one room schools, Atlanta schools, and a consolidated Olympia School District, and the effect the different settings had on the lives of the students and their community.


A wonderful evening enticed a large gathering for an initial peek at the new museum exhibit.


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