July 12

At about 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July
11 a small plane force-landed approximately one mile north of the
Logan County Airport on Interstate 55 near Kruger Elevator.

At the Tuesday evening meeting of the
Lincoln City Council, Phil Gillen and Steve Shoemaker came before
the council seeking permission to build a concrete landing strip for
radio controlled airplanes at the Lincoln Soccer Complex. Gillen
said that the Lincoln Futball Club is supportive of the request and
that the group seeking to build the landing strip will pay for
having it installed. The strip will be 15 to 20 feet wide and about
100 feet long. It will be placed along the edge of the front parking
lot at the complex, so it may also be used for parking during soccer
The council supported the request but did ask that the LFC submit a
letter, putting it in writing that they also support the request.
City Building and Safety Officer Wes Woodhall asked that the group
consult with him on the construction of the pad because if it is to
also be used for parking, the concrete will have to be of a specific
depth and there will have to be an approach for smooth transition
from the current parking surface to the concrete.
Photo by Nila Smith |

July 13

The Lincoln Kiwanis Club recently
presented awards to outstanding Logan County 4-H Club members. The
following individuals were chosen as outstanding members from their
clubs: Cavit Schempp, Atlanta Ag; Aden Wurth, Beason Ag; Abi
Steffens, Chester 4-H; Jayden Lawrence, The 4 Corner Clovers; Murphy
Roate, Middletown 4-H’ers; Daniel Crider, The Pioneers 4-H Club;
Ruthie Ruhl, Topper 4-H; and Will Stambaugh, Wide-A-Wake 4-H.
Back L to R: Abi Steffens, Will Stambaugh, Murphy Roate, Cavit
Schempp Front L to R: Jayden Lawrence, Ruthie Ruhl, Aden Wurth,
Daniel Crider

Cavit Schempp was recognized as the
overall winner and outstanding Logan County 4-H member. He received
the Armin Fricke Memorial Award sponsored by the Lincoln Kiwanis.
(pictured: Cavit Schempp with Kiwanis member Mike Booher)
Photos provided by Patty Huffer |
July 17

Oasis Senior Center Executive
Director Nancy Cunningham (blue vest) accepts a donation for the
Oasis Food Pantry from members of the staff at Generations skilled
nursing facility in Lincoln. The gift comes to the Oasis at a
critical time of year. During the summer months many grandparents
provide care services for grandchildren. That means extra food
consumed at mealtime. The Oasis food pantry operates year round, but
according to Cunningham gets very low in stock in the summer months,
so the donation came to the senior center at just the right time.
Photos by Ronnie Watcher |

At the Monday evening meeting of the
Lincoln City Council Mayor Seth Goodman sought the advice and
consent of aldermen for two appointments. Dayne Dalpoas (left) was
approved by the council to serve as the Ward 4 Alderman filling the
position vacated by Rick Hoefle. Beth Davis-Kavelman, who is a
former mayor of Lincoln, was approved as the new city administrator
with duties beginning effective immediately.
Photo by Nila Smith |
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