[January 05, 2019]
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May 4
Logan County 4-H member, Grace
Skelton (left), daughter of Rusty & Stacie Skelton and member of the
Middletown 4-H’ers Club in Logan County as well as the Illinois
State 4-H Youth Leadership Team, recently attended National 4-H
Conference as an Illinois Representative at the National 4-H Center
in Chevy Chase, MD.
While there she had the opportunity to have a speak with United
States Congressman representing the heart of Illinois, including
Logan County, Darin LaHood.
Photo provided by Patty Huffer

On Wednesday afternoon, Richie Gajate
Garcia was in the Lincoln College Johnston Center for Performing
Arts. While he is in town to receive an honorary doctorate at
Saturday's LC commencement, he offered to do a workshop for music
students and the public.
Garcia has had a long and successful career performing and/or
recording with a number of well-known artists, has also worked on
movie scores and he teaches.
As a surprise, Garcia announced at the conclusion of the workshop
that all the brand new professional quality instruments on stage
would be staying as a gift from him for LC students to use.
Tonight, Friday, May 4, Garcia will be joined by the other honorary
degree recipient Alex D. “Sandy” MacKinnon from 3 to 5 p.m. for an
'Excellence in Leadership Panel,' also to be held in the Johnston
Photo by Jan Youngquist |

May 8
Across our nation at noon last
Wednesday, May 3rd, people gathered for the 67th National Day of
Prayer Celebration. As in previous years, a group gathered at the
Logan County Courthouse rotunda to pray for the “seven centers of
influence: Government, Military, Media, Arts, Business, Education,
Church, and Family.”
Photo by Lisa Ramlow |
May 10
Chelsey Smock was recently recognized recently as the spring 2018
Daisy Award recipient at Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital. The
award is part of the national DAISY Foundation's program to
recognize the super-human efforts nurses perform every day.
Photo by Angela Stoltzenburg |
May 11
On behalf of the Lincoln Zonta and
the Living Alternatives Pregnancy Resource Center, a big 'Thank
you!" to the community for their amazing generosity at the
Drive-thru Baby Shower held at Wal-Mart last weekend. The back of
this pick-up truck was filled and overflowing with hundreds of items
to be given to new mothers served by the resource center. There was
also a total of $400 in donations of cash or gift cards presented to
the resource center.
Photo provided Melanie Schaler |
May 16
In May, staff from the Eaton Lincoln
plant presented several donations to various organizations within
the community including the city of Lincoln. Eaton provided a new
emergency generator for the city fire department and Lincoln City
Hall. The old generator produced enough energy to only open the
overhead doors at the station, power radios and a limited number of
lights. At 48 Kilowatts, the new generator is more than twice the
size of the old one and will power most of the building in the event
of a power outage. Eaton also presented $10,000 to police Chief Paul
Adams for use in the work at the new Lincoln Police Station.
On hand for the presentation to the city were: Eaton Plant Manager
Erik Olson and Account Manager Community Support Co-chairman Tiffany
Werth, Lincoln Mayor Seth Goodman, Police Chief Paul Adams, B-Shift
Lincoln Fire Department Darrin Coffey, Jason VanWinkle, Todd
Koehler, Chris Davis, Robert Wood and Fire Chief Mark Miller.
Photo provided by Mark Miller |
May 17

Lincoln is very blessed to have a
number of terrific coaches in the community who care about the
student athletes they are building. None rank higher than legendary
Railers Basketball Coach Neil Alexander and the modern day Wonder
Woman, Coach Kari Froebe of West Lincoln-Broadwell basketball fame.
On May 5, 2018 both Alexander and Froebe were named Coaches of the
Year by the Illinois Basketball Coaches Association at their annual
Teena Lowery |
May 22
New Holland-Middletown Elementary
District 88 students were selected to showcase their technology
skills at TECH 2018 at the Illinois State Capitol building on May
10. The two students, Gracie Jones and Lucas Melton, represented
their school in the rotunda by displaying how they had incorporated
Robotics into Reading.

The Lincoln Area Wrestling Booster
Association recognized the first two recipients of the Walt Landers
Wrestling Scholarship. The 2018 scholarship recipients are wrestler,
Jake McCray and statistician, Jayden Lawrence. Each student was
awarded a $1,000 scholarship. In addition, their names will be
included on a plaque in the LCHS Wrestling room.
From left to right. Walt Landers, head coach Lincoln Youth
Wrestling, Jayden Lawrence, Jake McCray, Justin Dietrich, Head Coach
LCHS wrestling.
Picture and caption by Amy Bree, Lincoln Area Wrestling Booster
Association |
May 30
At the May meeting of the Abraham
Lincoln Memorial Hospital Community Health Collaborative Opioid Task
Force, Tonita Reifsteck, representing St. John United Church of
Christ, presented Lincoln Police Office Christy Fruge with a check
for just over $200. The money will be utilized to assist with the
Safe Passages Program offered through the Lincoln Police Department.
Fruge reported seven people had sought help with drug addiction
through the Safe Passages program. Within the program volunteers are
utilized to assist with getting those seeking help into proper
treatment facilities. There are dollars needed for transportation to
those facilities. Fruge also reported that the city recently
encountered one treatment facility that requires the patient bring
their own toiletries and a specific number of clothing changes.
Fruge said this was an issue for some people, so the dollars donated
will go not only toward gas cards for drivers, but will also help
out when supplies need to be purchased for the person seeking
Photo by Nila Smith |
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