Dear Friends,
We have heard the news over and over and over that
mainline congregations and denominations are
shrinking. Books and books and books have been
written to try to instill more life into mainline
congregations. "Dry Bones can Live Again", "Power
Surge", "I Refuse to Lead a Dying Church", "Once and
Future Church", and on and on and on it
goes. Even the sermon series I started with, "Five
Faithful Practices of a Fruitful Church" is on this
list. It goes on and on and on. The books on church
growth in this age, could fill a library. As someone
who is dedicated to the church, I've read
many of them.
One thing they all have in common is
that each church that's growing requires
enthusiastic commitment to God, serving God, wanting
God's church to flourish more than anything else in
this world! It was the core value and belief that no
other organization, no other place, no other way of
being could please God more than being involved in
the church. And that enthusiastic commitment takes a
LOT of energy and the ability to allow negativity to
bounce off and not effect
it! Ever see a marathon runner? There are a
kazillion excuses the rest of us have as to why we
wouldn't want to do that. But the committed marathon
runner does not allow those negative vibes to deter
their commitment to the race. They not only are
determined but the more they train
for the big event and succeed in their goals, the
happier and more positive they become. The happier
they become, the less they are deterred by excuses
as to why they cannot achieve this goal.

Churches that are growing are filled
with Joyful, Enthusiastic, Prayerful Commitment! And
that commitment isn't to church, but to God! A
church I know grew and grew . .. they were vital,
exciting, and a happy church. One reason was there
was an older couple named Betty and Harry. Betty and
Harry were committed to greeting every single person
who came through the door for over 25 years ... yes,
the church had regular greeters, too ... but Betty
and Harry stood
at the doors and greeted every one as if they were
Jesus Christ himself. They believed the love they
had received in their lives from God, was a love to
be shared ! They were really likable people who were
good with people of all ages. Hugs were passed out
easily. Warmth overflowed. It was ...drum roll,
please ... contagious! The other part
of this church was they enjoyed being with each
other. They greeted each other with warm smiles,
they enjoyed serving together. They had fun together
even when they were in meetings. They
were joy bringers for each other. When hard times
came, they were fi lled with compassion for each
other and all the world. They were committed to
bringing God's love, joy and faith to their
community and the world. They didn't just show up
... they showed up with cheerfulness, grateful and
happy to be serving, grateful and happy to be
loving, grateful and happy to be making church and
service a contagion that knows
no bounds!
So, in this budding season of
Thanksgiving ... what are you thankful to God for?
Saying thank you is nice, but acting happily
grateful is even better.
How does God know you are really grateful? Love God
with your whole heart, mind, and soul and love your
neighbor as yourself!
Peace! Pastor Laurie
St. John United Church of Christ |