Peace is writing by candlelight first
thing in the morning.
It is two snoring dogs at your feet.
It is the steady hum of a small space heater and the
radiance of a Christmas tree.
Peace is looking at the photos and treasures from
the adventures over the last year.
It is steam from the coffee cup dancing between the
flickering flame of the candle.
It is the first good night's sleep in over a week.
Peace is the moment just before the dawn--before the
squirrels arrive for breakfast.
It is happiness--hygge in this home at this hour.
It is the stillness of a foggy morning.

Peace is the silence after the
furnace turns off--solitude.
It is this morning, this moment, the manifestation
of divine grace.
It is before someone declares that they "have a case
of the Mondays."
Peace is wholeness. It is completeness. It is
tranquility. It is my prayer for you today, this
week. It is a reminder of how God's redemption
It is Psalm 122 becoming your our prayer: "Peace be
within your walls and quietness within your towers."
Peace, Christ's peace, be with you today. And for
Christ's sake, live in peace.
[Adam Quine, pastor of First Presbyterian Church
in Lincoln.] |