Pathogen That Causes Sudden Oak
Death Found in Illinois
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[July 03, 2019]
The pathogen which causes Sudden Oak Death, a plant disease that has
killed large tracts of oaks and affected many native plant species
in California, Oregon, and Europe, has been found in Illinois.
Phytophthora ramorum, the causal agent of Sudden Oak Death (SOD) has
been confirmed in ornamental plants at ten Walmart locations in
Cook, Jackson, Jefferson, Lee, Macon, Monroe, St. Clair, Stephenson,
and Will Counties, and one Hy-Vee location in McDonough County
through cooperative efforts between IDOA and USDA, as well as
diagnostic support from University of Illinois, Michigan State,
Cornell, and Kansas State Universities, and USDA labs.
The issue was first uncovered by an Indiana confirmation at a
Walmart in late May on rhododendrons from Parkhill Plants in
Oklahoma, which sourced the plants from nurseries in Washington and
British Colombia. Shipping records were provided to IL officials
shortly thereafter. 18 states in total received these plants.
IDOA and USDA field staffs began visiting identified sites in late
May inspecting the plants with a primary focus on rhododendron as
the main suspected carrier of the disease, but also inspected other
known host plants such as azalea, viburnum, and lilac.
Symptomatic plants were sampled for diagnostic testing and placed on
stop sale order pending diagnostic results or destroyed or
relinquished to officials on site. Collected plants are being
safeguarded by IDOA for later approved disposal. Though Sudden Oak
Death affects oaks and other trees and plants, it poses no threats
to humans, pets, livestock, or food sources.
Positive confirmations have been made on the following plants and
varieties in Illinois and/or other states to date:
Rhododendron - Cat Cunningham Blush, Firestorm, Holden, Minnetonka,
Nova Zembla, Percy Wiseman, Purpureum Elegans, Roseum Elegans,
Wojnars Purple.
Lilac - Common Purple, Persian Lime.
The above varieties may not be the only plants affected as the
disease can infect more than 100 different species. In general, most
plants will get “ramorum blight” as carriers, however oaks are
considered terminal hosts as it can often be fatal.
[to top of second column] |

Diane Plewa, diagnostician at the University of Illinois Plant Clinic, says “The
pathogen can cause both a blight and sudden death, depending on the host.
Because P. ramorum has only been detected on non-oak hosts, the disease Ramorum
blight has been confirmed in Illinois but not the disease Sudden Oak Death.
Currently, there is no evidence that any oak trees in Illinois are infected at
this point”.
The pathogen travels well in soil and water, so escape into the environment is a
concern. Blight symptoms of the disease include, but are not limited to, foliar
spots, browning or wilting leaves, tip/shoot dieback, and brown or black
discoloration on stems and/or trunks. For more details and photos, please visit diagnosis-and-management/hosts-and-symptoms/.

Walmart and Rural King are participating in voluntary recalls of the potentially
infected plants remaining at their sites. Scott Schirmer, State Plant Regulatory
Official at IDOA says “These situations are never easy, but when industry
recognizes the severity of the situation and cooperates to help address the
issue, it’s a tremendous asset to the overall response effort. However, it is
also important to have cooperation from residents who may have purchased these
plants to get an idea of what may already be planted in the Illinois landscape.”
Because the disease is incurable, Illinoisans are encouraged to contact the
Illinois Department of Agriculture or their local University of Illinois
Extension office for further guidance if they have purchased rhododendrons from
Walmart, Hy-Vee, or Rural King since April, and if those plants are looking
symptomatic or in poor condition. The most likely source of infection would be
plants purchased this spring; older, established plants are not very likely to
be infected with P. ramorum. It is not recommended to destroy or dispose of
these plants without State or Federal guidance. This is an ongoing
investigation, guidance and recommendations may change.
[Illinois Office of Communication and
Information] |