An overview of available activities at the Fitness Court

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[June 13, 2019]     Send a link to a friend  Share

Pictures by Curtis Fox

The Fitness Court is a unique workout facility in Lincoln, the first one in Illinois.



Safety is a priority for everyone using the Fitness Court.

At station one the emphasis is on the body’s core with the three teen ambassadors going through a routine with Angela and Angie.

The squat station can be used for a range of exercises.

Push station has multiple ways to develop arms.


Lunge has a trail of different shapes to cruise through.


Each station has more than one piece of equipment to develop a healthy routine, such has this pull area.


The agility area has hopscotch like patterns printed on the soft surface.


The bend area provides multiple exercises. The ambassadors can help a first time user make sense of the Fitness Court.


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