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To the editor:To all Abraham
and Mary Lincoln Buffs!
This is some extra information about Abe and Mary from reading Nila
Smith’s story about Mt. Pulaski’s Courthouse excursions with Abe.
The stove pipe hat is shown in Mt. Pulaski Courthouse. In those
days, a stove pipe with a felt lining inside cost $5.00. Be sure to
look for it there!!
Dear reader, Abraham Lincoln was such a great man even before he
became President of the United States. He worked hard for his mean
father cutting down trees and splitting logs to build log cabins for
others. He thought Abe as a foolish boy. Hiis step-mother, Sarah,
was the one who let Abraham read books and write stories and dream
big dreams.

Abraham Lincoln and two of his friends set sail down the Mississippi
on a barge to send freight back and forth for a dollar a day. That
was big money to them. Yet in doing this job, Abe resolved to make
more money and study to become a lawyer. What an exciting adventure
awaited him!!
Located in the upstairs museum in Lincoln is a picture of young
Lincoln on a barge going down the river, a must see!!
[to top of second column in this letter] |

When Lincoln became a lawyer on the circuit he was
known to cross many flooded rivers (with his horse named Lucky),and
streams with the law papers and client’s documents over his head to
save them from water absorption.
Lincoln sat on porches of Inns and talked with other
opposing lawyers until he made them laugh with a humorous story or
told them funny jokes.
One Inn in particular had bad vittles and Lincoln was sure to tell
everyone their cooking was bad.
Now, Mary, bless her soul, she took the loose hairs from her
children and herself and embroidered beautiful leaf and flower
patterns onto pillows. She also sewed a massive amount of children’s
clothes for her slaves and also was kind and made dresses for them.
Often sending them home with extra food and larder after a hard
day’s work.
It is sad that Mr. Lincoln was shot, but we can celebrate our late
President in the month of April by reading about him and ...walking
in a place called Lincoln Memorial Gardens where wooden benches
inscribe the famous words he has said throughout his life.
Sincerely a Lincoln fan,
Catherine Carkulis [Posted
April 18,
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