Producers should report crop acreage they
intended to plant, but due to a natural disaster, were prevented
from planting, to FSA on form CCC-576 Notice of Loss within 15
calendar days after (but not before) the final planting date for
that crop.
Due to the extraordinary weather events Illinois has experienced
in crop year 2019, Illinois FSA State Executive Director (SED),
William Graff, has approved an extension to all Counties in
Illinois, for producers without insurance or NAP coverage, to
file a prevented planting claim by the final acreage reporting
date of the crop.
For crop year 2019, all producers without insurance or NAP
coverage, can file a prevented planted claim, no later than the
final acreage reporting date of the crop, and be considered
timely filed for FSA purposes.
Producers with crop insurance, that timely filed a prevented
planted claim with their insurance company, will be considered
timely filed for FSA purposes, regardless of when the CCC-576,
Notice of Loss form is received. Data from RMA or proper
evidence provided by the producer that the prevented planted
claim was filed timely with the insurance company can be
accepted by FSA, to prove a timely filed prevented planting
claim to RMA.
[USDA Farm Service Agency]